Sunday, February 12, 2012

Unit Compilation 1

Human Biology, Science and Society
What is Science? Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 says that it is the study of the natural world, which includes all matter and all energy.
What is Biology? Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 says that it is the study of living organisms and life’s processes. The study of life.
The Characteristics of Life: (The difference between life and something that is dead)
·        Living things have a different molecular make-up than non-living things. Unlike nonliving things, living organisms can combine elements creating certain molecules. Such elements include proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
·        Living things require energy and raw material.
In order for living things to transform, molecules require energy. Metabolism refers to the physical and chemical processes involved in transforming molecules. All living things need raw materials and energy from the environment to metabolize them into molecules and have the energy they need to maintain life.
·        Living things are composed of cells.
A cell is the smallest unit of life. All cells come only from existing cells. Some organisms consist of just one cell-unicellular.
Some organisms contain many cells- multicellular.
·        Living things maintain homeostasis.
Homeostasis is maintaining a constant internal environment. All living organisms must maintain an internal environment compatible with life. For ex., Single cell organisms are surrounded by a membrane that allows the cell to maintain internal homeostasis by providing a barrier to only allow certain substances to enter or exit that cell. In multicellular organisms the tissues, organs and organ system work together to maintain homeostasis of the fluid that surrounds all cells.
Ex. Maintain body temperature.
·        Living things respond to their external environment.
If it is cold outside you move to somewhere it is warm.
·        Living things grow/reproduce
The ability to grow and reproduce is determined by DNA, the genetic material in cells.
·        Populations of living things evolve.
 Classification System of five kingdoms

Classification system places living things into groups according to characteristics and are placed into three domains.
Domains: (Oellers, Online Presentation)
1)    Archaea: single-celled prokaryotes- are simple cells that contain no membrane.
Kingdom: archaebacteria
2)    Bacteria: single-celled prodaryotes.
3)    Eukarya: Single or multicellular. Addresses different kinds of bacteria.
Kingdoms that fall under this domain: Animals, plants, fungi, protists.
The criteria for classifying organisms is the presence of a nucleus, the number of cells, and type of metabolism.
1)    Monera- All single-celled Prokaryotic organisms. This group is comprised of bacteria.
2)    Animalia-multicellular organisms based on the organism’s life cycle, structure, and mode of nutrition.
3)    Plantae-Same as above.
4)    Fungi-are decomposers. They obtain their energy from decaying material.
5)    Protista- Comprises unicellular and relatively simple multicellular eukaryotes such as protozoa, algae, slime molds.

The Domain Eukarya is organisms whose cells have nuclei.

Species is the smallest unit of any classification system.
Humans belong to the kingdom Anamalia within the domain Eukarya and our genus/species is Homo sapiens.

Genus is the second smallest unit.

Defining features of humans

1)    Bipedalism- Being able to stand upright and walk.
2)    Opposable thumbs is having control over the thumb and fingers to work for your advantage.
3)    Large brains compared to other species.
4)    Capacity for complex language.

The Scientific method is a five-step process where scientific knowledge is acquired.
Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.12)

1)Observe and generalize. Observe the world and make a generalization about what you see. Ex. Water is cold.
1)    Formulate a hypothesis. Have an idea of why the object you are observing is behaving in that manner and consider all variables.
2)    Make a testable prediction
Test under many different conditions. Testable predictions should be based on the hypothesis and should be specific in order to be testable.
3)    Experiment or observe. Conduct experiments under controlled conditions and account for variables. Have two groups a experimental group and a control group.
4)    Modify hypothesis as necessary and repeat steps 3 and 4.

Learning to be a Critical Thinker

1)    Be a skeptic and question everything.
2)    Know statistics. Scientists use statistics to determine how much confidence they should place in information.
3)    Learn how to read graphs
4)    Distinguish anecdotes from scientific evidence. An anecdote is evidence that takes the form of a testimony or an unverified report. Ex. Ads with stars on TV that say this drug worked for them.
5)    Separate fact from conclusion. Research and make sure you have more than one source that says the same thing. I usually use three sources to verify a fact.
6)    Understand the difference between correlation and causation. A correlation is a close pattern or relationship between two or more things. Causation is the action of causing or producing an effect.


            Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.
            Oellers, J. (n.d). Online Presentation: Ch1. Human Biology, Science, and Society. Retrieved February 2, 2012, from

Ch. 2

The Chemistry of Living Things

All matter consist of elements

·        The natural world consists of matter and energy. Chemistry is the study of matter and the energy that causes matter to combine, break apart, and recombine into all substances both living and nonliving.

Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.

·        All matter is composed of elements (a pure form of matter that cannot be broken down to a simpler form.) Ex. Aluminum, iron, oxygen and hydrogen.

There is just over 100 known elements that together account for all matter on earth.

·        An atom is the smallest unit of any element that keeps it’s physical and chemical properties of that element. The atom itself equals neutrality.

·        The nucleus is the center (core) of the atom.

·        The nucleus is composed of protons- positively charged particles, a nearly equal number of neutrons- neutral particles, all tightly bound together.

Atomic mass roughly equals the number of protons.

Neutrons and protons equal mass.

Electrons have no mass.

·        Electrons are smaller negative charged particles that orbit around the nucleus called a shell.

Electrons attract positive charged nucleus and repel each other.

Each shell can hold a limited amount of electrons. The first shell can hold two; the second and third shell can hold up to eight electrons.

Each shell corresponds to a specific level of potential energy.

Each shell further out represents higher potential energy level than the closer shell.

When an electron moves closer to the nucleus, it loses energy.

An electrically neutral atom is the number of protons that equal the number of electrons.

Elements are also arranged in groups based on how many electrons are orbiting around the nucleus, because electrons affect how an atom interacts with other elements.

Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that isotopes are atoms with more or less neutrons than the usual number for that element.

Isotopes of an element have the same atomic number as the more common atoms, but different atomic mass.

Isotopes are always identified with a superscript mass number preceding the symbol. Ex. Carbon-14 isotope is 14C. 

Radioisotopes are unstable and tend to give off energy in the form of radiation.

Atoms Combine to form Molecules

Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that a molecule consists of a stable relationship between two or more atoms. Ex. Water H20 is two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

·        There are different kinds of energy that fuels life’s activities:

Energy is the capacity to do work, a change in matter.

Potential energy stores energy that is not performing work.

Kinetic energy is doing work, work that is in motion.

·        When chemical bonds of these energy-stored molecules are broken, potential energy becomes kinetic energy. Ex. Water in a dam is potential energy; rushing water is kinetic energy.

Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that chemical bonds are attractive forces that cause the atoms to be bound to each other.

 There are 3 types of chemical bonds:

  Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.29)

1) Covalent Bonds- share electrons with another atom. This happens when the outer shell is half-full. Atoms are most stable when their outermost shell is completely full. This is the strongest chemical bond.

Nonpolar covalent bonds happen when electrons are shared equally. Ex. H2, O2 and CH4.

Polar covalent bonds happen when electrons are not shared equally. Ex H2O oxygen has a stronger pull on the shared electrons than the hydrogen does.

Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.30)

2)    Ionic Bonds- are another way that atoms can fill their outer shell. This kind of bond forms between oppositely charged ions. Such a loss or gain of electrons gives the atom a net charge.

A net charge occurs when there are fewer or more electrons than protons in the nucleus. A net charge is positive for each electron lost and negative for each electron gained.

Ion is an electrically charged atom or molecule. Ex. Sodium (Na+), Chloride (Cl-).

Opposite charged ions are attracted to each other.

Ionic Bond is when two oppositely charged ions come together. Ex. NaCl.

Ionic bonds are weaker than covalent bonds because they tend to break easier.

Ions in aqueous (water) solution are called electrolytes and are good conductors of electricity.

3)    Hydrogen Bonds- occur between molecules that do not have a net charge, and occur between oppositely charged regions of polar molecules.

This type of bonds form between polar molecules- are molecules such as water that are electrically neutral overall, but still have partially charged regions or poles (electrons are shared unequally).

Life Depends on Water

60% of our body weight is comprised of water.

Water molecules are polar because of polar covalent molecules.

Water can absorb and hold heat energy.

Water is the biological solvent.

Solvent is a liquid at which other substances dissolve.

Solute is any dissolved substance.

Hydrophilic molecules are polar molecules that are attracted to water and interact with it easily.

Hydrophobic molecules are nonpolar neutral molecules such as cooking oils. Oils do not interact easily with water and generally will not dissolve.

Water helps regulate our body temperature when our bodies generate heat during metabolism.

Most biological molecules dissolve readily in water because water is a polar molecule. The liquid nature of water facilitates the transport of biological molecules. Water absorbs, holds heat and can lower temperature through evaporation.

The Importance of Hydrogen Ions

Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that one of the most important ions in the body is the hydrogen ion (a single proton without an electron).

When a covalent bond is broken between hydrogen and oxygen in water the electron from one hydrogen atom is transferred to the oxygen atom completely and the water molecule breaks into two ions a hydrogen ion (H+) and a hydroxide ion (OH-).

An acid is any molecule that can donate an H+ ion. When added to pure water acids produce an acidic solution one with a higher H+ concentration than that of pure water.

A base accepts Hydrogen ions and has a lower hydrogen ion concentration.

Acids and bases neutralize one another.

pH scale expresses hydrogen ion concentration of a solution. Indicates the acidity or alkalinity of a solution.

Buffers minimize changes in pH. They are essential to maintain homeostasis of pH in body fluids.

The Organic Molecules of Living Organisms

Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that organic molecules contain carbon and other elements held together by covalent bonds.

Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.36)

Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 carbon is the common building block for organic molecules because of the many ways it can form strong covalent bonds with other atoms.

Macromolecules are built within the cell in a process called dehydration synthesis (condensation reaction) - when a subunit is added, the equivalent of water molecule is removed.

Subunits needed to synthesize macromolecules come from the foods we eat and from the biochemical reactions in our body that break down other large molecules into smaller ones.

Other macromolecules are broken down by hydrolysis- a process where water is added each time a covalent bond between single subunits in the chain is broken.

The breakdown of macromolecules releases energy.

·        Living organisms synthesize 4 classes of organic molecules:

1)    Carbohydrates are used for energy and structural support.

Monosaccharides are simple sugars. Ex. Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, Ribose and Deoxyribos.

Oligosaccharides are short strings of monosaccharide linked together by the dehydration synthesis.

Diaccharides is two monosaccharides linked together. Ex. Sucrose is Glucose + Fructose, Maltose is Glucose + Glucose and Lactose is Glucose + Galactose.

Polysaccharides form when thousands of monosaccharides are joined together into straight or branched chains by dehydration synthesis. This is an easy way to stockpile energy by locking it in the bonds of the polysaccharide molecule. Ex. Starch-made in plants; stores energy, Glycogen is made in animals and stores energy and cellulose is indigestible polysaccharide made in plants for structural support.

Glycogen is formed by dehydration synthesis from glucose subunits and is stored in the liver and muscles.

The bigger the molecule the more energy stored.

Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.36)

2)    Lipids are insoluble in water meaning they are polar.

There are 3 important classes of lipids:

·        Triglycerides: energy storage molecules.

Also known as fats and oils. Composed of Glycerol and 2 fatty acids: Saturated (in fats), Unsaturated (in oils). Stored in adipose tissue.

·        Phospholipids: the primary structural component of cell membranes.

 Is a modified form of a lipid.

Phospholipids have a molecule of glycerol as the backbone and two fatty acid tails one end of the molecule is polar (water soluble; hydrophilic) and the other end is nonpolar (water insoluble; hydrophobic)

·        Steroids: Composed of 4 carbon rings. Ex. Cholesterol which increases stability of plasma membrane and hormones: estrogen and testosterone.

3)    Proteins- are macromolecules constructed from long chains (polymers) of subunits called amino acids.

20 different types of amino acids.

Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that amino acids are joined by peptide bonds (covalent bonds), which are produced by dehydration synthesis reactions.

Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that polypeptide is a single string of three to 100 amino acids and is commonly referred to as a protein when it is longer than 100 amino acids.

·        Protein function depends on structure: (Oellers, Online Presentation)

Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.43)

Primary Structure is the sequence of amino acids that are stabilized by peptide bonds.

Secondary Structure describes how the chain of amino acids is oriented in space. Alpha helix is a common secondary structure of proteins. Is a right-hand spiral that is stabilized by hydrogen bonds between amino acids at regular intervals. Beta sheet is a flat ribbon also stabilized by hydrogen bonds.

The Tertiary structure is the third level, refers to how the protein twists, folds to form 3-D shape, and is stabilized by disulfide and hydrogen bonds. Creates polar and nonpolar areas in molecules.

Quaternary Structure the fourth structure of proteins refers to how many polypeptide chains make up the protein (if there is more than one) and how they associate with each other.

The human body has thousands of different proteins each serving a different purpose.

High temperatures or changes in pH can damage protein structure, sometimes permanently. Denaturation refers to permanent disruption of protein structure, leading to a loss of biological function.

Enzymes regulate the rates of biochemical reactions within cells.

Enzymes are proteins that function as biological catalysts.

A catalyst speeds up the rate of chemical reactions without itself being altered or consumed by the reaction.

Without enzymes, many biochemical reactions would not proceed quickly enough to sustain life.

The functional shape of an enzyme is dependent on temperature, pH, ion concentration and presence of inhibitors.

Nucleic Acids store genetic information (Another class of organic molecules)

Nucleic acids are long chains containing subunits known as nucleotides.

          2 types:

1)    DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material in living things, directs everything the cell does. Contains the instructions for producing RNA.

2)    RNA (ribonucleic acid) is responsible for carrying out the instructions of the DNA. Contains the information for producing proteins. Proteins direct most of life’s processes.

Both DNA and RNA are composed of smaller molecular subunits called nucleotides.

Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acids. There are only eight different nucleotides, four in DNA and four in RNA.

Structure of DNA: (Oellers, Online Presentation)

·        Double-stranded

·        Nucleotides contain

Deoxyribose (sugar)

Nitrogenous bases (adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine

Pairing (Adenine and Thymine) and (Guanine and Cytosine)

Structure of RNA: (Oellers, Online Presentation)

·        Single-stranded and shorter

·        Nucleotides contain Ribose (sugar)

Nitrogenous bases (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Uracil)

ATP (adenonsine triphosphate) is a related nucleotide and is identical to the adenine-containing nucleotide in RNA except that it has two additional phosphate groups (triphosphate).

ATP is the universal energy source for cells because the bonds between the phosphate groups contain a great deal of potential energy.


ATP                        ADP + Pi + energy

The breakdown of ATP produces ADP (adenosine diphosphate) plus an inorganic phosphate group (p1).


            Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.

            Oellers, J. (n.d). Online Presentation: Ch1. Human Biology, Science, and Society. Retrieved February 2, 2012, from

Ch. 3
Structure and Function of Cells

The Cell Doctrine- consists of 3 Principals: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008)
1)    All living things are made of cells.
2)    A cell is the smallest unit that exhibits all the characteristics of life.
3)    All cells are made from existing cells.
Cell Classification (Oellers, Online Presentation)
2 basic cell types classified by Internal Organization:
(Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.53)

Eukaryotic Cells                                                             Prokaryotic Cells

Plasma Membrane                                                                                                                                            Plasma membrane (No Nucleus)
Nucleus: Information Center                                                                                   Cytoplasm: fluid                                                                                       within the membrane
Cytoplasm                                                                                                                             No True                                                                                        Organelles
Organelles (Structure with specialized                                                                                                                                                                                     functions)
All human cells are Eukaryotic
Organelles are in the cytoplasm and includes everything inside the cell except the nucleus. They carry out specialized functions such as digesting nutrients or packaging cellular products.

Cell Size

Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.55)

Cell size and plasma membrane shape affect the surface area and volume.
The surface of any cell can be increased by microvilli.
Small cells have a higher surface to volume ratio.
A high surface to volume ratio promotes efficiency in requiring nutrients and disposal of wastes through diffusion.

Plasma Membrane
Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.56)

Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that human cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane, which serves to contain cellular structures within the cell and to regulate the kinds and quantities of molecules that can enter and exit the cell.
The plasma membrane is made up of phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins.
Phospholipids are a particular type of lipid with a polar head (has a charge) and a neutral nonpolar tail (no charge) that is pointed to the inside of the lipid bilayer due to the nonpolar tail being hydrophobic (does not like water).
Cholesterol is what makes the membrane rigid. It increases the strength of the membrane by preventing it from becoming too flexible. Also prevents the phospholipids from moving around too much and helps anchor the proteins within the membrane.
Proteins provide a way for transporting molecules and information across the plasma membrane.
Molecules cross the plasma membrane by passive transport (diffusion or osmosis), active transport and endocytosis or exocytosis.
Passive transport does not need molecules to pass through a channel. The molecules attach to a membrane protein that triggers a change in the protein’s shape, transfers the molecule to the other side of the membrane, and releases it. Direction of movement is always from a higher concentration to a lower concentration and does not require the cell to expend energy.
 Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.59)
Diffusion is molecules in a gas or liquid that move about randomly and collides into other molecules causing them to change direction.
Osmosis is the net diffusion of water across the membrane. Net diffusion requires that there is a difference in concentration between two points. Once the concentration of molecules is the same, a state of equilibrium exists and the molecules are able to diffuse randomly in all directions.
Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.59)
Active transport moves from lower concentration to a higher concentration and requires energy. In order to move molecules against the concentration gradient ATP must be used. ATP breaks down to ADP and the energy is transferred to the protein and the protein changes shape. This energy is the used to transport one or more molecules across the plasma membrane.
These proteins are known as pumps. Some pumps can transport several different molecules at once and in both directions at the same time. One of the pumps is known as the sodium-potassium pump. This pump uses energy to transport sodium out of the cell and potassium into the cell. This pump is essential for the regulation of cell volume. When the sodium leaves so does water. By decreasing pumping, the cell volume increases and so does water in the cytoplasm.
Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.60)
Endocytosis moves materials into the cell. Also known as bulk support.
Exocytosis moves materials out of the cell. Also known as bulk support.
·        Information is transferred across the plasma membrane using receptors.
Receptors use protein to span the membrane required for transmission of information to and from the cell.
Receptor sites (on receptor proteins) interact with signal molecules. A change is triggered within the cell as a result of binding of signal molecule to receptor site (Oellers, Online Presentation).
·        Different cell types have different receptor proteins.
Isotonic Extracellular fluid maintains cell volume.
The sodium potassium pump keeps homeostatic regulatory processes that keep the tonicity of the extracellular fluid relatively constant.
Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that tonicity is the relative concentration of solutes in two fluids. Water can diffuse across the cell membrane easily so for the cell to control its volume also depends on the tonicity of the extracellular fluid.
Variations in Tonicity.
Hypertonic is extracellular ionic concentration higher than intracellular. Water will diffuse out of the cell and the cell will shrink and die.
Hypotonic is extracellular ionic concentration lower than intracellular concentration. Water will diffuse into the cell and the cell may swell and burst.
Some extracellular fluid is isotonic this is the fluid concentration inside and outside of the cell.
Extracellular and intracellular ionic concentrations are equal.
Cell maintains a normal volume in isotonic extracellular fluids.
Regulatory mechanisms maintain extracellular fluid that is isotonic with intracellular fluid.
Internal structures carry out specific functions
Inside the cell is membrane-bound and non-membrane bound structures.
The membrane-bound structures are called organelles. Organelles are like tiny organs that have a specific function to perform.
The nucleus controls the cell (organelle). This is the information center of the cell and contains most of the cell’s genetic material (DNA).
The nuclear membrane is the outer surface of the nucleus that consists of a double-layered membrane. This keeps the DNA within the nucleus.
The nucleolus is within the nucleus where the ribosomes are formed.
Ribosomes are small structures of RNA and certain proteins responsible for making specific proteins.
There are 2 styles of ribosomes:
Free floating in cytoplasm and bound- attached to the outer surface of the ER (endoplasmic reticulum).
Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.65)
The ER manufactures most other cellular production in the rough ER.
The rough ER contains ribosomes
The smooth ER does not contain ribosomes and is responsible for packaging the proteins and other productions of the ER and prepares them for shipment to the Golgi apparatus in vesicles.
The Golgi apparatus receives substances from the ER, refines them into final products and packages them into vesicles for their final destination.
·        There are different types of vesicles: (Oeller’s, Online Presentation)
Some store and ship, others are secretory vesicles (sweat glands), endocytic vesicles- come into the cell, peroxisomes (metabolism) breaks down free radicals to water and contains enzymes that detoxify, lysosomes contains digestive enzymes that engulf bacteria and spits them out through the process of endocytosis.
Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 states that enzymes are any various proteins that are capable of producing certain chemical changes in organic substances by catalytic action as in digestion.
·        Energy Sources for the cell
Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.68)
The mitochondria provide energy. They are organelles that manufacture ATP for the cell and are surrounded by a double membrane. Utilizes oxygen (cellular respiration) and produces carbon dioxide (ATP).
Fats and Glycogen are sources of energy as well.
Fats include triglycerides. They have twice the energy of carbohydrates.
Glycogen stores carbohydrates. This energy is used first then when expended moves into the fat cells for energy.
Cells have structures for support and movement
Structural elements for support and movement include the cytoskeleton, cilia and flagella and centrioles.
The cytoskeleton forms a supportive framework for the cell inside the cytoplasm.
Made of proteins 2types:
1)    Microtubules are tiny hollow tubes
2)    Microfilaments are thin solid fibers.
Cilia and flagella are specialized for movement. Cilia are short and are found on cells lining airways. Cilia move materials along the surface of a cell with a brushing motion.
 Flagella are long and extend from the surface. They move the entire sperm cell from one place to another in a whip like movement.
Centrioles are short, rod like microtubular structures located near the nucleus. They are essential to cell division by aligning and dividing the genetic material of the cell.
Cells use and transform matter and energy
Living cells can release energy stored in the chemical bonds of molecules and use it to build, store and break down other molecules.
Metabolism refers to all of a cell’s chemical processes.
Metabolic pathways are where the chemical reactions in an organism take place, where one reaction follows another in order. They either create molecules and use energy or break them down and liberate energy.
Some metabolic pathways are linear where the product (end material) from one chemical reaction becomes the substrate (starting material) for the next.
There are 2 basic metabolic pathways:
1)    Anabolism molecules are assembled into larger molecules that contain more energy achieved through the dehydration synthesis. This process requires energy and stores energy.
2)    Catabolism is larger molecules that are broken down. This process releases energy.
Requires enzymes used to break down nutrients and recycle cell components.

The primary source of energy for a cell is ATP, produced within the mitochondria by the complete breakdown of glucose to carbon dioxide and water.

Mitochondria are the organelles responsible for providing most of this useable energy; they are also known as the cells power plants.

·        Glucose provides the cell with energy. Energy is glucose used to generate ATP. In the absence of glucose, other carbohydrates, fats and proteins can be catabolized to generate ATP.

The production of ATP from glucose requires four consecutive stages (Oeller’s, Online Presentation)

                Picture: (Johnson 2012, 2010, 2008 p.75)

1)    Glycosis- occurs in cytoplasm. Series of 10 reactions that split glucose into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid. 2 ATP are produced (net). High-energy electrons and hydrogen ions are removed and picked up by a coenzyme NAD+ forming NADH.
NAD+ gets stuck on hydrogen and molecules and forms NADH.
2)    Preparatory step for Citric Acid Cycle- Production of carbon dioxide and NADH leads into the citric acid cycle. Pyruvate enters mitochondria and is converted to acetyl group and carbon dioxide. High-energy electrons and hydrogen ions are removed and picked up by a conenzyme NAD+, forming NADH. The acetyl group joins to a coenzyme (A) to form acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA will enter the citric acid cycle.
3)    Citric Acid Cycle produces ATP, more NADH and FADH2 occurs in the mitochondria. Extracts high-energy electrons to form NADH and FADH2. Produces 2 ATP and carbon dioxide.
4)    Electron Transport System generates ATP in the mitochondria. Properties of hydrogen and electrons make a lot of ATP. Uses oxygen to make water. Takes electrons from NADH and FADH2. The movement of electrons from one electron carrier to the next releases energy that is harvested to generate ATP. When ATP is done going through the system it attaches to oxygen. Final electron acceptor is Oxygen, which forms water upon receiving electrons and hydrogen ions. ATP generated by ADP forms enzyme.

·        Anaerobic pathways make energy available without oxygen. Cellular response cannot continue in the absence of oxygen. Glycolysis will continue and pyruvate will build up. Pyruvate will be converted to lactic acid and will cause muscles to have a burning sensations if there is a buildup of lactic acid. 2 ATP produces per molecule of glucose. When oxygen is available, lactic acid will be metabolized aerobically.


            Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.
            Oellers, J. (n.d). Online Presentation: Ch1. Human Biology, Science, and Society. Retrieved February 2, 2012, from

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