Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Unit 4 Compilation

Unit Compilation 4

Ch. 14 The digestive System and Nutrition

Table of Contents
14.1 The digestive system brings nutrients into the body
            a. The walls of the GI tract are composed of four layers
            b. Five basic processes accomplish digestive system function
            c. Two types of motility aid digestive processes
14.2 The mouth processes food for swallowing
            a. Teeth bite and chew food
            b. The tongue positions and tastes food
            c. Saliva begins the process of digestion
14.3 The pharynx and esophagus deliver food to the stomach
14.4 The stomach stores food, digests protein, and regulates delivery
            a. Gastric juice breaks down proteins
            b. Stomach contractions mix food and push it forward
14.5 The small intestine digests food and absorbs nutrients and water
14.6 Accessory organs aid digestion and absorption
            a. The pancreas secretes enzymes and NaHCO3
            b. The liver produces bile and performs many other functions
            c. The gallbladder stores bile until needed
14.7 The large intestine absorbs nutrients and eliminates wastes
14.8 How nutrients are absorbed
            a. Proteins and carbohydrates are absorbed by active transport
            b. Lipids are broken down, then reassembled
            c. Water is absorbed by osmosis
            d. Vitamins and mineral follow a variety of paths
14.9 Endocrine and nervous systems regulate digestion
            a. Regulation depends on volume and content of food
            b. Nutrients are used or stored until needed
14.10 Nutrition: You are what you eat
            a. My Pyramid plan offers a personalized approach
            b. Carbohydrates: A major energy source
            c. Lipids: Essential cell components and energy sources
            d. Complete proteins contain every amino acid
            e. Vitamins are essential for normal function
            f. Minerals: Elements essential for body processes
            g. Fiber benefits the colon
14.11 Weight control: Energy consumed versus energy spent
            a. BMR: Determining how many Calories we need
            b. Energy balance and body weight
            c. Physical activity: An efficient way to use Calories
            d. Healthy weight improves overall health
14.12 Disorders of the digestive system
            a. Disorders of the GI tract
                        1. Lactose intolerance: Difficulty digesting milk
                        2. Peptic ulcers: sores in the stomach
                        3. Celiac disease (gluten intolerance)
                        4. Diverticulitis: Weakness in the wall of the large intestine
                        5. Colon polyps: Noncancerous growths
            b. Disorders of the accessory organs
                        1. Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver
                        2. Gallstones can obstruct bile flow
            c. Malnutrition: Too many or too few nutrients
            d. Obesity: A worldwide epidemic?
14.13 Eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa and bulimia

14.1 The digestive system brings nutrients into the body

The digestive system and its accessory organs digest and absorb nearly everything we eat and drink, regardless of how much we eat or drink (Johnson, 2012). The leftover non-absorbed waste products and bacteria are stored until they eliminated as feces. It is a 36-foot journey through the digestive system (The Food Machine). From table to toilet digestion takes 24 hours (The Food Machine).

The accessory organs of the digestive system include the (Johnson, 2012):

·         Mouth
·          Pharynx
·          Esophagus
·          Stomach
·         Small and large intestine
·          Rectum
·         Anus

These organs form a tube called the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The area inside of the tube where food and liquids travel down is called the lumen.

The digestive system also includes four accessory organs (Johnson, 2012):

·         The salivary glands
·          Liver
·          Gallbladder
·          Pancreas

14.1a The walls of the GI tract are composed of four layers

The walls of the GI tract consist of four layers of tissue (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Mucosa is the innermost tissue layer. All nutrients must cross the mucosa to enter the blood.
2.      Submucosa is the middle layer of connective tissue containing blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves. Components of food that are absorbed across the mucosa enter the blood and lymph vessels of the submucosa.
3.      Muscularis is the layer that is responsible for movement. The muscularis consist of two or three sub layers of smooth muscle.
4.      Serosa is the outermost layer and is a thin connective tissue that surrounds and protects the other three layers and attaches the digestive system to the walls of the body cavities.

Sphincters are thick rings of circular smooth muscle that separates some of the organs of the GI tract from each other.

14.1b Five basic processes accomplish digestive system function

The digestive system receives food, takes it apart so that the nutrients can be absorbed into the body. Food is the starting point of the digestion process (The Food Machine). Digesting food takes 10% of our energy required, 70% expended in keeping the body idling, running the processes that keep us alive, and 20% is left for our energy output for all our activities during the day (The Food Machine).

This involves five basic processes (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Mechanical processing and movement is accomplished by chewing. Chewing breaks food into smaller pieces, and two types of movement mix the contents of the lumen and propel the pieces forward
2.      Secretion is fluid that consists of digestive enzymes, acid, alkali; bile and mucus is secreted into the GI tract at various places. Several hormones regulate digestion are secreted into the bloodstream as well.
3.      Digesting the contents of the lumen is broken down both mechanically and chemically into smaller and smaller particles, culmination in nutrient molecules.
4.      Absorbing nutrient molecules as they pass across the mucosal layer of the GI tract and into the blood or lymph
5.      Eliminating undigested material from the body by the anus

14.1c Two types of motility aid digestive processes

The smooth muscles of the GI tract produces two kinds of motility (movement) called (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Peristalsis is the movement that propels food forward by causing the smooth muscles in the GI tract to contract. This peristaltic wave of contraction ripples through the organs of the GI tract, mixing the contents of the stomach and pushing the contents of the esophagus and intestines forward. Peristalsis occurs in all parts of the GI tract, but is most prevalent in the esophagus, where it transports food rapidly to the stomach.
2.      Segmentation mixes food by causing the smooth muscles in the GI tract to contract and relax in random fashion. This results in the sloshing movement of the contents in the lumen mixing the food and liquid together. Food particles are then pressed against the mucosa, enabling the body to absorb their nutrients. Segmentation occurs primarily in the small intestine, as food is digested and absorbed.

14.2 The mouth processes food for swallowing

The mouth is the entrance to the GI tract where digestion begins with the process of chewing, breaking food into smaller particles.

14.2a Teeth bite and chew food

The teeth chew food into smaller pieces enabling us to swallow.

There are four types of teeth created for different purposes (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Incisors have a sharp-edge and cut food.
2.      Canines are pointed and tear food
3.      Premolars grind and crush food
4.      Molars grind and crush food as well

Children have 20 teeth that they develop by age two and gradually replace by permanent teeth until they reach the full number of adult teeth. Most adults have 32 permanent teeth (Johnson, 2012).

Each tooth sits in a socket in the jawbone lined with periodontal membrane. Each tooth consist of a crown (the outside portion of the tooth you can see) which is covered by a layer of enamel, which can repair minor damage to its outer part (The Food Machine) and is an extremely hard nonliving compound of calcium and phosphate. Beneath the enamel is dentin (a bonelike living layer). The soft innermost pulp cavity contains the blood vessels that supply the dentin, as well as the nerves that cause pain (Johnson, 2012). The region below the gum line is the root.

Bacteria that remain inbetween our teeth cause cavities. The bacteria release acids that can dissolve enamel, creating cavities. If not treated, cavities can deepen, eroding the dentin and pulp cavity causing a toothache. Tooth decay may inflame the soft gum tissue around the tooth, causing gingivitis. Periodontitis is decay that inflames the periodontal membrane. Regular brushing and flossing will ensure good dental hygiene.

14.2b The tongue positions and tastes food

The tongue is a skeletal muscle that positions food over the teeth and mashes it against the roof of the mouth. The tongue is an essential element in tasting food and for talking.

14.2c Saliva begins the process of digestion

Saliva moistens food, making it easier to chew and swallow. The thought of food is enough to make your mouth water. Three pairs of salutatory glands produce two pints of saliva every day. The saliva pours through miniature fountains from under your tongue (video).

Saliva contains four main ingredients (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Mucin is a mucus-like protein that holds food particles together so they can be swallowed more easily.
2.      Slivary amylase is an enzyme that begins the process of digesting carbohydrates.
3.      Bicarbonate in salvia maintains the pH of the mouth between 6.5 and 7.5, the range over which salivary amylase is most effective.
4.      Lysozyme inhibits bacterial growth.

14.3 The pharynx and esophagus deliver food to the stomach

The stomach stores ingested food and water until it is delivered to the small intestine. It also secretes a strong acid (HCI) hydrochloric acid that breaks down proteins and kills bacterial.
The stomach is covered with deep pits lined with microscopic cells that release HCI acid while their neighbors secrete a sticky mucous that coats the stomach (The Food Machine). This protects the stomach from approximately a gallon of gastric juices the stomach lining pours into the stomach (The Food Machine).

After we have chewed our food and mixed it with saliva the tongue pushes it into the pharynx (throat) for swallowing.

Swallowing involves a sequence of events that is coordinated with a temporary halt in breathing (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Swallowing begins as the tongue pushes a lump of food (bolus) into the pharynx.
2.      Before swallowing, muscles keep the esophagus closed. The presence of food stimulates receptors in the throat and initiates the swallowing reflex.
3.      The soft palate rises to close off the passageway into the nasal cavity and the larynx rises slightly.
4.      The epiglottis bends to close off the airway to the trachea temporarily and opens the esophagus.

After the throat, is the esophagus a muscular tube consisting of both skeletal and smooth muscle that connects the pharynx to the stomach. The lining of the esophagus produces mucus that helps food slide easily.

Acid reflux or heartburn is caused by the sphincter malfunctioning. The sphincter prevents reflux of the stomach’s contents back into the esophagus. Prolonged heartburn may cause esophageal ulcers because stomach acid can erode the mucosa of the esophagus.

14.4 The stomach stores food, digests protein and regulates delivery

The stomach is a muscular, expandable sac.

The stomach performs three important functions (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Stores food until it is digested and absorbed. The stomach can expand 1-3 liters of capacity when we eat.
2.      The stomach digests proteins using strong acid and protein-digesting enzymes. The acid also kills most bacteria. Muscle contractions mix and break apart the food particles and push the mixture into the small intestine.
3.      Regulates the rate at which food is delivered into the small intestine.

14.4a Gastric juice breaks down proteins

The walls of the stomach consist of four layers the same as the GI tract (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Mucosa
2.      Submucosa
3.      Muscularis
4.      Serosa

Gastric juices consist of hydrochloric acid (HCI) (some of the cells lining the glands secrete (HCI) and pepsinogen (a large precursor molecule that becomes a protein-digesting enzyme called pepsin once exposed to stomach acid). The pepsin and acid dissolve the connective tissue in food and digest proteins and peptides into amino acids so they can be absorbed in the small intestine.

The stomach produces 1-2 liters gastric juices immediately after meals. Chyme is the watery mixtures of partially digested food and gastric juice that is delivered to the small intestine. The pyloric sphincter between the stomach and the small intestine regulates the rate of transport of chime into the small intestine.

Gastric juices to not digest in the stomach because some of the cells lining the stomach and the gastric glands continuously produce a protective barrier of mucus. A peptic ulcer is an open sore that develops when gastric juices become in contact with the living cells instead of the mucus.

14.4b Stomach contractions mix food and push it forward

When you eat, your stomach does not contract and allows it to relax and stretch. Stretching signals peristalsis to increases. While your stomach is empty, muscle contractions keep it small.

Peristalsis pushes the chyme toward the pyloric sphincter in a forward and backward movement, squeezing it, causing it to mix. Each contraction propels about a tablespoon of chyme into the small intestine before the pyloric sphincter closes.

It takes two to six hours for the stomach to empty completely after a meal (Johnson, 2012). Peristalsis is more forceful when the stomach is full then when empty. Chyme with a high acid or fat content stimulates the release of hormones that slows stomach peristalsis, giving the small intestine more time to absorb the nutrients. The stomach does not absorb nutrients because it lacks cellular transporting mechanisms and because its inner lining is coated with mucus.

14.5 The small intestine digests food and absorbs nutrients and water

Nutrients and water are absorbed in the small intestine. If our small intestines were not neatly wrapped insides of us, we would have to be 30ft tall (The Food Machine). Enzymes from the pancreas and the small intestine break down carbohydrates and fats so that they can be absorbed. The inner surface of the small intestine has many villi and microvilli, which increase the surface area of absorption. This surface area is ten times the area of our skin, enough to carpet a living room (The Food Machine).

The small intestine has two major functions (Johnson, 2012):

1.      The stomach partially digests proteins to smaller peptides, under the influence of strong acids and pepsin. Protein digestion continues in the small intestine, but also digests carbohydrates and lipids, which involve neutralizing the highly acidic gastric juice and adding additional digestive enzymes from the intestine and pancreas.
2.      Eventually the proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids in food are broken down to single amino acids, monosaccharides, fatty acids and glycerol, which are small enough to be transported across mucosal cells into the blood. Nearly 90% of the absorbable nutrients and water is absorbed in the small intestine.

The small intestine consists of three different regions (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Duodenum is where most of the digestion takes place.
2.      Jejunum is where the rest of the products of digestion are absorbed.
3.      Ileum is also where the rest of the products of digestion are absorbed.

The structure of the small intestine contains villi attached to the mucosa. Each epithelial cell of the villi has dozens of even smaller, cytoplasmic projections called microvilli, which gives the mucosal surface a velvety appearance. Combined the folds of villi and microvilli enlarge the surface area of the small intestine increasing its ability to absorb nutrients. At the center of each villus are capillaries and a small lymph vessel called a lacteal to transport nutrients to larger blood vessels and lymph vessels.

14.6 Accessory organs aid digestion and absorption

The digestive system has four accessory organs (Johnson, 2012):

·         Salivary glands
·          Pancreas
·          Gallbladder
·         Liver

14.6a The pancreas secretes enzymes and NaHCO3

The pancreas is an elongated organ that lies just behind the stomach and has both endocrine (secretes hormones that regulate blood glucose levels) and exocrine functions.

The pancreas produces and secretes the following (Johnson, 2012):

·         Digestive enzymes include proteases (enzyme that digest proteins) and lipase a lipid-digesting enzyme.
·         Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO2) functions to neutralize stomach acid.

14.6b The liver produces bile and performs many other functions

The liver is a large organ located in the upper right abdomen cavity with 500 different functions (The Food Machine).

The livers primary digestive function is to facilitate the digestion and absorption of lipids by producing bile. Bile is a watery mixture containing electrolytes, cholesterol, bile salts derived from cholesterol, a phospholipix called lecithin, and pigments (primarily bilirubin) derived from the breakdown of hemoglobin. The bile salts break lipids down into smaller droplets that are digested by lipases (lipid-digesting enzymes) from the pancreas.

The hepatic portal system in the digestive system carries nutrient-rich blood directly from the digestive organs to the liver by the hepatic portal vein. The liver begins processing and storing nutrients for the body just as soon as digestion and absorption has begun. After passing through the liver, the blood is returned to the general circulation.

The liver severs other functions that maintain homeostasis (Johnson, 2012):

·         Stores fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and iron
·         Stores glucose as glycogen after a meal and converts glycogen to glucose between meals
·         Manufactures plasma proteins like albumin and fibrinogen from amino acids
·         Creates and stores some lipids
·         Inactivates many chemicals like alcohol, hormones, drugs and poisons
·         Converts ammonia (NH3), a toxic waste product of metabolism into less toxic urea
·         Destroys worn-our RBCs.

Overexposure to toxic chemicals, medications or alcohol can damage the liver because it takes up these substances to “detoxify” them, killing some liver cells in the process. Long-term exposure to any of the above-mentioned toxins can destroy enough cells to impair liver functions, known as cirrhosis.

14.6c The gallbladder stores bile until needed

The bile produced by the liver flows through ducts to the gallbladder, which concentrates bile by removing most of the water, and stores it until after a meal. Then the bile is secreted into the small intestine by the bile duct, which joins the pancreatic duct.

14.7 The large intestine absorbs nutrients and eliminates wastes

By the time the contents of the digestive tract reach the large intestine, most of the nutrients and water have been absorbed. The large intestine absorbs most of the remaining nutrients and water and stores the now nearly solid waste material until it is eliminated. The large intestine is larger in diameter than the small intestine but is shorter. It begins as a pouch called the cecum, which receives the chyme from the small intestine. The fingerlike appendix extends from the cecum. The appendix has no known digestive function, but is known to become inflamed and can be removed (Johnson, 2012).

 Most of the large intestine consists of four regions called the colon (Johnson, 2012):

1.      The ascending colon rises along the right side of the body.
2.      The transverse colon crosses over to the left side
3.      The descending colon passes down the left side to the last colon
4.      Sigmoid colon is where feces are stored until defecation where they pass through the rectum to the anus.

Feces are indigestible material that contains some bacterial. Some of these bacteria release by-products that are useful to us like vitamin K (important for blood clotting). Some bacteria also produce less helpful substances such as intestinal gas, a by-product of metabolism as they break down food.

A neural reflex controls defecation. The internal anal sphincter consists of a ring of smooth muscle that normally keeps the anus closed (Johnson, 2012). When feces enter the rectum, the rectum becomes stretched and the neural reflex causes the internal anal sphincter to relax and the rectum to contract, expelling the feces. We have control over the external sphincter by voluntarily contracting this muscle, which allows us to hold our pee or poop until we want to expel these bodily fluids.

14.8 How nutrients are absorbed

Your body absorbs nutrients differently depending on the type of nutrient.

14.8a Proteins and carbohydrates are absorbed by active transport

In the small intestine, enzymes from the pancreas and enzymes secreted by the mucosal layer of the stomach and from the small intestine break down proteins into amino acids. The amino acids are actively transported into the mucosal cells and eventually move by facilitated diffusion out and make their way to the capillaries.

Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth, where salivary amylase breaks down polysaccharides into disaccharides. It is completed in the small intestine with the addition of pancreatic amylase and enzymes from the small intestine. Together these enzymes break down the remaining carbohydrates into monosaccharide’s (simple sugars such as glucose) and are then actively transported by proteins.

14.8b Lipids are broken down, then reassembled

Bile salts emulsify lipids into small fat droplets and are digested by pancreatic and intestinal lipases. The product is monoglycerides, which dissolve in micelles. Micelles are small droplets composed of bile salts and lecithin that transport fatty acids and monoglycerides to the outer surface of the mucosal cells so that they can be absorbed into the cells. Once inside the cells, the fatty acids and monoglycerides recombine into triglycerides, coated with proteins to form water-soluble droplets called chylomicrons. They are released from the cell by exocytosis. They are too large to enter capillaries so they travel in the lymph vessels until the lymph returns to the venous blood vessels near the heart.

14.8c Water is absorbed by osmosis

A high concentration of water in the lumen represents a strong driving force for the diffusion of water through the epithelial layer of the cells of the small intestine and into the blood (Johnson, 2012). Diarrhea is caused when the small intestine delivers too much food residue to the large intestine. Constipation is caused when feces remain in the large intestine and colon so long that too much water is absorbed. The feces become dry and hard making it hard to poop. Water makes up 60% (10 gallons) of the human body and is constantly being reclaimed by the body through our waste products (The Food Machine). The lining of the digestive tract changes as we enter into the large intestine from cells that are designed to absorb nutrients to cells that are designed to filter out water (The Food Machine). Digestive juices turn food into slush and the body extracts two thirds of the water out by the large intestine (The Food Machine). The intestine walls soak up ten pints of water every day and a network of capillaries carry the absorbed water and nutrients away from the intestines and back into circulation (The Food Machine).

14.8d Vitamins and minerals follow a variety of paths.

Vitamins are absorbed differently depending on if they are fat-soluble or water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in the micelles and are absorbed by diffusion across the lipid membrane of the mucosal cell layer. Water-soluble vitamins are absorbed by either active transport or diffusion through channels or pores. Minerals (ions) like, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphate, sulfate and magnesium are electrically charged and not lipid soluble (fat-soluble).

The body digests and reabsorbs the components of the digestive secretions themselves. Water and minerals in the digestive secretions are reabsorbed by the normal mechanisms for these nutrients. Enzymes are digested to their component amino acids and the amino acids are then reabsorbed. Bile salts are reabsorbed, returned to the liver and used again.

14.9 Endocrine and nervous systems regulate digestion

Regulation of the digestive system involves altering the movement of secretions of various organs so that each operates efficiently. The digestive process alters the internal environment temporarily because of the absorbed nutrients enter the blood in a short time. This is different from most regulatory mechanisms that operate to maintain homeostasis.

14.9a Regulation depends on volume and content of food

The endocrine system and nervous system regulate digestion according to both the volume and content of food. Most digestion and absorption occurs in the stomach and small intestine. When the stomach stretches, neural reflexes increase stomach peristalsis and secretion of gastric juices. This releases the hormone gastrin, which triggers the release of more gastric juice.
             When chyme enters the small intestine, the stretching of the duodenum increases segmentation to mix the chyme.

The duodenum secretes two hormones into the bloodstream (Johnson, 2012):

·         Secretin
·          Cholecystokinin

 The acid in chyme releases secretin, which stimulates the pancreas to secrete water and bicarbonate to neutralize acid. Fat and protein stimulate release of cholecystokinin (CCK) which signals the pancreas to secrete enzymes that aid indigestion.

If chyme flows too quickly from the stomach, the small intestine will slow stomach activity. Gastrin and a neural reflex involving stretching of the stomach increase movement of the large intestine after eating.

14.9b Nutrients are used or stored until needed

All cells need nutrients, which are substances in food that are required for growth, reproduction and the maintenance of health. Nutrients in your last meal are used to fuel cellular activities, build cell components and serve other vital functions. Your cells draw these nutrients from your blood and your blood obtains them from your digestive system or from nutrient storage pools (Johnson, 2012).
Once nutrients are absorbed, they must be used whether they are consumed immediately, stored until later or combined with more nutrients to create other molecules.

14.10 Nutrition: You are what you eat

It matters what you eat. Poor nutrition is associated with diseases ranging from cancer to cavities. Good nutrition, on the other hand, improves overall health and lowers the risk of health problems.

14.10a My Pyramid plan offers a personalized approach

My Pyramid is the recommended dietary guidelines that include physical activity as well as healthy nutrition. The pyramid indicates the recommended consumption of foods from six different groups and gives you recommendations on what to eat from each group.

My Pyramid is highly interactive. If you enter your age, gender and activity level on the Web site, the system will match you with the best plan you need bases on how the required caloric intake (Johnson, 2012). The feature, My Pyramid Tracker, lets you compare your current eating and physical activity patterns to recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines and track them for up to a year to follow your progress.
My Pyramid has come under controversy with some nutritionists for instance: My Pyramid recommends that to prevent osteoporosis, adults should drink three glasses of low fat milk per day. That is over 300 calories just in milk. This is not necessary for everyone. Nevertheless, My Pyramid is a good place to start for the basics.

General recommendations for a healthy diet include (Johnson, 2012):

·         Eat a variety of foods
·         Maintain a healthy weight
·         Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products
·         Choose a diet low in cholesterol and saturated fat
·         Use sugar in moderation
·         Consume salt and sodium in moderation (1tsp of salt per day)
·         Drink alcohol in moderation.

14.10b Carbohydrates: A major energy source

Carbohydrates are one of the body’s main sources of energy and many nutritionists recommend that approximately 45-65% of our Calorie intake come from carbohydrates. A calorie is a measure of energy.

Carbohydrates may be either simple or complex (Johnson, 2012). Simple carbohydrates (sugars) are found in natural foods such as fruit and honey. Complex carbohydrates such as starch or glycogen consist of many sugar units linked together. Whole foods containing complex carbohydrates are better for us than refined sugars (corn sweeteners, dextrose or fructose) because they release sugars more slowly and contribute fiber, vitamins, and minerals. In the body, stored starch and glycogen are broken down to glucose, one of the premier sources of energy.

14.10c Lipids: Essential cell components and energy sources

Lipids are essential components of every living cell. Phospholipids and cholesterol make up most of the cell membrane. Cholesterol also forms the backbone of steroid hormones and is used to make bile. Fat stores energy, cushions organs, insulates the body and stores several vitamins. Most of the fats in food are triglycerides, which consist of three fatty acids attached to a glycerol molecule.

Fats fall into two categories (Johnson, 2012):

·         Saturated fats are solid at room temperature, found primarily in meat and dairy products and in a few plant sources such as coconut, and palm kernel oil. They raise blood levels and are associated with atherosclerosis and heart disease.
·         Unsaturated fats are liquids (oils) at room temperature and considered healthier than saturated fats because they tend to lower cholesterol levels. Unsaturated fats found in olive, canola, safflower, and corn oils and derived from plants. Certain cold-water fish (salmon, trout and sardines) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids that are linked to reduce risk of heart disease.

Tran’s fats made from unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are missing one or more pairs of hydrogen atoms in their fatty acid tails by partial hydrogenation reconfigures the positions of some of the remaining unpaired hydrogen atoms trans fat is created. Tran’s fat can be found in deep-frying oil, baked goods (cookies, crackers, snacks) and in vegetable shortening and margarine. Tran’s fats tend to raise cholesterol and increase the risk of cardiovascular heart disease.

The liver can make cholesterol and most of the lipids the body needs, but cannot create the essential fatty acids. These fatty acids like linoleic and linolenic acids (present in corn and olives) must be consumed as food. Linoleic and linolenic acids are important for proper cell membrane structure and can be obtained by eating a tsp of corn or olive oil a day to satisfy the daily requirements.

We must be careful of how many lipids we consume. Diets high in saturated fat, cholesterol and Trans fats increase our risk for developing cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.

14.10d Complete proteins contain every amino acid

Proteins make up the enzymes that direct metabolism, serve as receptor and transport molecules and build our muscle fibers. They are vital components of every cell. All proteins are composed of 20 different amino acids. The body can make 12 of these amino acids; the other eight that the body cannot produce is called the essential amino acids. The body must ingest these eight amino acids (isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine) (Johnson, 2012). A complete protein contains all 20 amino acids in proportions that meet our nutritional needs. Foods like trail mix, nuts, soybeans, hummus, red beans and rice will provide the necessary essential amino acids.

Every enzyme has a unique amino acid sequence, even if one amino acid is missing in the diet, the body may be unable to produce enzymes the proper time in development. Protein deficiencies during pregnancy and childhood can retard growth and alter physical and mental performance.

14.10e Vitamins are essential for normal function

Our bodies can produce only a few vitamins; our skin creates vitamin D when we are exposed to sunlight, and bacteria living in the colon manufacture vitamins K, B6 and biotin. All other vitamins must be ingested.

Vitamins fall into two categories (Johnson, 2012):

·         Fat soluble
·          Water soluble

The difference between the two is how they are absorbed and stored. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed more readily if there is fat in the diet and are stored in fat tissue and releases as needed. Water-soluble vitamins are stored briefly and rapidly excreted in urine. Consuming water-soluble vitamins on a regular basis is necessary.

14.10f Mineral: Elements essential for body processes

Minerals are the ions in blood plasma and cell cytoplasm (sodium, potassium, chloride, and many others). They represent most of the chemical structure of bone (calcium, phosphorus and oxygen). They also contribute to the activity of nerves and muscles (sodium, potassium and calcium).

The National Research Council publishes the current best estimate of how much vitamins and minerals we need daily called the (RDA) the Recommended Dietary Allowance (Johnson, 2012). If you eat a balanced diet of whole foods you can achieve t he RDA without taking supplements.

14.10g Fiber benefits the colon

Fiber is found in many vegetables, fruits and grains (indigestible). Even though our bodies cannot digest it, it is necessary. Fiber makes feces bulky and helps them pass easily through the colon.

A low-fiber diet can lead to constipation, hemorrhoids (swollen veins in the lining of the anus, caused by straining when pooping) and a disorder called diverticulitis. Acquiring not enough fiber has been associated with and increased risk of developing colon cancer.

14.11 Weight control: Energy consumed versus energy spent

To maintain a constant body weight, energy intake must equal energy expenditure. Any consistent imbalance in energy intake versus energy expenditure over time leads to weight gain or loss. Exercise can dramatically change how many calories we expend. To lose weight we must eat less, exercise more, or do a little of both. ScienceDaily 2012 states in their article that counting calories may be only part of the weight loss equation. According to scientists, sleep is a major requirement for weight loss. They did a study on mice to show how the “rev-Erb alpha” can lead to excessive weight gain and related health problems. The rev-Erb alpha is our internal body clocks. This experiment provides new insights into the importance of proper alignment between the body’s internal timing and natural environmental light cycles to prevent or limit excessive weight gain and the problems this weight gain can cause (ScienceDaily, 2012).

The body requires energy to fuel metabolic processes and other activities. When we digest nutrients, energy is obtained.

Energy is measured in units called calories. A calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius (Johnson, 2012). In Biology, a calorie (1000 calories) is used to measure the nutrient content of food and the energy used to perform biological activities (Johnson, 2012).

14.11a BMR: Determine how many Calories we need

If we want to maintain a stable body weight, the number of Calories you consume must equal the number you use. Your daily caloric energy needs are determined by your basal metabolic rate (BME), the energy your body needs to perform essential activities like breathing.

BMR can be influenced by (Johnson, 2012):

·         Gender and body composition: BMR is higher in males. Muscle tissue consumes more energy that fat tissue; because men generally have more muscle than women do, they have a higher BMR.
·         Age, BMR declines over time
·         Health, some health conditions like fever, infections, and hyperthyroidism increase BMR.
·         Stress, norepinephrine and epinephrine raise BMR.
·         Food intake, eating increases the metabolic rate, whereas fasting and extreme dieting decrease it. A slower BMR makes it difficult to keep weight off.
·         Genetics play a strong role in determining your BMR.

The formula for estimating your BMR is as follows (Johnson, 2012):

For females divide your weight in pounds by 2,2 then multiply by 0.9 before multiplying by 24 hrs/day. For males divide your weight in pounds by 2.2, and then multiply by 24 hrs/day to get Calories per day.

14.11b Energy balance and body weight

A healthy diet contains a variety of grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat milk products. Saturated fats, foods containing cholesterol, and refined sugars should be consumed in moderation. Maintaining a healthy weight consists of balancing caloric intake and energy expenditure. When we eat more Calories than we use, the excess energy is stored in specialized cells as fat. The number of fat cells a person has is determined by the time they are an adult. Research suggests that overweight people have two to three times more fat cells than normal weight individuals do, so when they diet and shrink their fat reserves in each cell, their bodies respond as if they are starving. It is hard for obese people to lose weight because their body is responding as if their excess weight were normal.

14.11c Physical activity: An efficient way to use Calories

Exercise has ample benefits such as improving cardiovascular health, strengthening bones, toning muscles and promoting a general sense of well-being. The best approach to weight loss is a gradual one. Nutritionists recommend reducing caloric intake by a small amount each day while gradually increasing physical activity.

14.11d Healthy weight improves overall health

Numerous studies reveal a direct correlation between obesity and the incidence of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and other health problems. There is an apparent link between obesity and health status. According to the government, a BI of between 18.5 and 25 is considered healthy, 25 to 30 is considered overweight, and 30 or higher represents obesity (Johnson, 2012). These numbers are general and do not take into account factors as bone structure, fitness or gender. The best strategy for losing weight combines a healthy diet with moderate regular exercise.

14.12 Disorders of the digestive system

One of the most common conditions worldwide is food poisoning, caused by food and beverages contaminated with bacteria or their toxic products. Diarrhea and vomiting often accompany with food poisoning. Food allergies can also cause diarrhea, vomiting, and generalized allergic responses throughout the body. Common food allergens include shellfish, wheat, peanuts and eggs.

14.2a Disorders of the GI tract

Disorders of the GI tract include lactose intolerance, peptic ulcers, celiac disease, diverticulitis and colon polyps to name some of the few.

14.2a, 1 Lactose intolerance: Difficulty digesting milk

Infants are born with the enzyme lactase in their small intestines so that they are able to digest milk (Johnson, 2012). As we turn into adults, many lose the enzyme and are now unable to digest lactose. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include diarrhea, gas, bloating and abdominal cramps after ingesting milk products. Diarrhea happens because the undigested lactose causes fluid to retain in the digestive tract. The gas, bloating and abdominal cramps are due to bacterial fermentation of the lactose, which produces gases. Lactose-intolerant people can eat cheese or yogurt because the lactose in these milk products has already been digested.

14.2a, 2 Peptic ulcers: sores in the stomach

Peptic ulcers are painful erosions of the mucosal lining of the stomach. Most peptic ulcers are caused from bacteria that live in the stomach. The bacterial infection leads to chronic inflammation, an increase in gastric acid secretion and damage to the mucosal lining. Peptic ulcers can also be caused by excessive use of aspirin. Treating peptic ulcers begins with eliminating the bacterial infection then most ulcers heal on their own.

14.2a, 3 Celiac disease (gluten intolerance)

When people with celiac disease eat gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley their immune systems respond by damaging the villi that line the small intestine (Johnson, 2012). This results in nutrients of all kinds not being able to be absorbed by the small intestine. Symptoms can be abdominal pain and vomiting to chronic fatigue, depression and eventually malnutrition depending on a person’s age, how much gluten they eat and how sensitive they are to it.

14.2a, 4 Diverticulitis: Weakness in the wall of the large intestine

Diverticulitis happens when small sacs are produced when the mucosal lining of the large intestine protrudes through the other layers of the intestinal wall. The diverticula can become infected or inflamed, in which case antibiotics resolve this issue. Inadequate dietary fiber is thought to contribute to the development of diverticulitis. A low-fiber diet produces smaller feces, narrowing the colon and making its contractions more powerful. This increases the pressure on colon walls, forcing weak areas outward and forming diverticula.

14.2a, 5 Colon polyps: Noncancerous growths

A polyp is a noncancerous growth that projects from a mucous membrane. Because most colon cancers start as polyps, doctors recommend removing them. Polyps can be detected and removed in a colonoscopy, a procedure where a flexible fiber optic scope is inserted into the colon.

14.2b Disorders of the accessory organs

Disorders of the accessory organs include hepatitis and gallstones to name a few.

14.2b, 1 Hepatitis: Inflammation of the liver

Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver, caused by viruses or toxic substances (Johnson, 2012). The most common viruses that cause hepatitis are hepatitis A, B and C. Hepatitis A is transmitted by contaminated food or water and causes a brief illness from which most people recover completely. Hepatitis B travels in blood or body fluids and is passed by contaminated needles, blood transfusions or sexual contact with infected people. Hepatitis B can lead to liver failure if not treated. Symptoms include jaundice, nausea, fatigue, abdominal pain and arthritis. Hepatitis C is also transmitted in infected blood, through contaminated needles or blood transfusions. Hepatitis C can remain dormant for years but still damage the liver. Sever cases can lead to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis or liver cancer.

14.2b, 2 Gallstones can obstruct bile flow

The gallbladder normally concentrates bile by removing about 90% of the water. Excessive cholesterol in the bile may precipitate out of solution with calcium and bile slats, forming hard crystals called gallstones (Johnson, 2012). If the crystals grow large enough, they can obstruct bile flow and cause intense pain especially after a meal. Treatments include drugs to dissolve the crystals, ultrasound vibrations or laser treatments to break the stones apart, or surgery to remove the gallbladder.

14.2c Malnutrition: Too many or too few nutrients

An unbalance or insufficient diet can cause malnutrition in which human development and functions are jeopardized. Deficiencies of one or more nutrients can be damaging. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to eye damage and night blindness (Johnson, 2012). Severe under nutrition or starvation is still the leading cause of malnutrition worldwide.

14.2d Obesity: A worldwide epidemic?

The World Health Organization calls obesity a global epidemic (Johnson, 2012). In the United States, obesity has increased from 12.6% of the population in 1990 to 34% in 2006 (Johnson, 2012). We must look to the environment to explain this global rise in obesity. Today’s society has produced an environment that favors a high fat diet because of our sedentary lifestyle.

14.13 Eating disorders: Anorexia nervosa and bulimia

A picture of a woman who suffers from Anorexia Nervosa

Eating disorders involve the nervous system and are most common in women. Anorexia nervosa is a condition in which a person diets excessively or stops eating altogether, even to the point of starvation and death. People with this type of eating disorder are so scared of gaining weight that they will simply end up starving themselves to death. Bulimia is a binge and purge condition in which someone eats and deliberately vomits. Both anorexia and bulimia are eating disorders that consume a person and results in someone who is malnutrition and suffer insomnia, hair loss, fatigue and moodiness (Johnson, 2012). Overtime they lose bone mass and develop osteoporosis. Many people with eating disorders also suffer from depression and anxiety. Effective treatment requires a team of professionals who can address the patient’s medical, psychiatric, dental, psychological and nutritional needs.


            Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.

            The Food Machine. Dir. Peter Macpherson. Pioneer, 2002. Film.

            Science Daily (May 7, 2012). Overweight? New Research Explains How Proper Sleep Is Important for Healthy Weight. Retrieved May 4, 2012, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/05/12057113734.htm

Ch. 11 The Nervous System: Integration and Control

Table of Contents

11.1 The nervous system has two principal parts
11.2 Neurons are the communication cells of the nervous system
11.3 Neurons initiate action potentials
            a. Graded potentials alter the resting potential
            b. An action potential is a sudden reversal of membrane voltage
            c. Action potentials are all-or-none and self-propagating
11.4 Neurological cells support and protect neurons
11.5 Information is transferred from a neuron to its target
            a. Neurotransmitter is released
            b. Neurotransmitters exert excitatory or inhibitory effects
            c. Postsynaptic neurons integrate and process information

11.1 The nervous system has two principal parts

The nervous system includes (Johnson 2012):

·         The Central Nervous System (CNS), which consists of the brain and the spinal cord. It receives, processes, stores and transfers information.
·         The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) includes the components of the nervous systems that lie outside the CNS

The PNS has two functional subdivisions (Johnson, 2012):

1.      The sensory division of the PNS carries information to the brain and spinal cord
2.      The motor division carries information from the CNS to other parts of the body.

The motor division of the PNS is subdivided along functional lines:

·         The somatic division controls skeletal muscles
·         Autonomic division controls smooth muscles, cardiac muscles and glands

The Autonomic division has two subdivisions:

1.      Sympathetic division
2.      Parasympathetic division

These two divisions work against each other to accomplish the automatic, subconscious maintenance of homeostasis.

The nervous system is the body’s main control system that receives input from a variety of sources. It controls our body’s physical movements, maintains homeostasis of many internal variables and initiates our higher thought processes and emotions.

11.2 Neurons are the communication cells of the nervous system

Neurons are specialized cells for communication (Oellers, 2012). They generate and conduct electrical impulses called action potentials from one part of the body to another. The longest neurons extend all the way from your toes to your spinal cord.

There are three types of neurons (Oellers, 2012):

1.      Sensory neurons found in the PNS that receive stimuli and transmit information to the CNS.
2.      Interneurons transmit information between components of the CNS.
3.       Motor neurons found in the PNS transmit information away from the CNS.

All neurons consist of a cell body (main body), one or more dendrites (extensions of the cell body) and an axon. The cell body contains the nucleus with its DNA, mitochondria and other cell organelles. Dendrites receive information from receptors or incoming impulses from other neurons. An axon is a long, slender tube of cell membrane containing a small amount of cytoplasm. Axons conduct electrical impulses. The axon branches into slender extensions called axon terminals. Each axon terminal ends in a small, rounded tip called an axon bulb. The flow of information begins at a receptor near a dendrite ending of a sensory neuron and ends at the axon bulbs of a motor neuron. Sensory neurons transmit impulses to the CNS. Interneurons transmit impulses between components of the CNS. Motor neurons transmit impulses away from the CNS to muscles and glands.

11.3 Neurons initiate action potentials

Neurons function is to transmit information from one part of the body to another in the form of electrical pulses. How neurons communicate with one another is by chemically. Information passes from one neuron to another by the release of chemical substances called neurotransmitters. Neurons initiate action potentials, which are electrical impulses, based on the movement of ions in and out of the cell membrane of the neuron (Oellers, 2012). Neurons generate and transmit action potentials.

11.3a Sodium-potassium pump maintains resting potential

The sodium-potassium pump is essential for the development and maintenance of an electrical charge across the cell membrane (Johnson, 2012). This is because the sodium-potassium pump has a difference in charges by transporting positive sodium ions out of the cell from every two potassium ions transported in. The sodium-potassium pump is removing both osmotic particles and positive charges from the cell at the same time resulting in the presence of negatively charged protein molecules that are trapped within the cell. This result in an electrical charge across the cell membrane called the membrane potential.

The normal membrane potential at rest is its resting (membrane) potential. This means that the inside of the cell is a slightly different charge than the outside (Oellers, 2012). Resting potential measures the difference in voltage across the cell membrane in a resting cell.

Functions of the Sodium-Potassium Pump (Oellers, 2012):

·         Maintains cell volume
·         Establishes and maintains resting potential by active transport of sodium out of the cell and potassium in.
The concentration of sodium is much higher in the interstitial fluid than it is in the cytoplasm. Because sodium is always leaking into the cell and potassium is leaking out by passive diffusion balances the rate of leakage. Not only is potassium important for action potentials, but researchers have found that potassium is linked to memory and learning. ScienceDaily 2012, state in their article that scientists discovered that mice missing the channel that delivers potassium also showed diminished learning abilities. Scientists are hoping that by targeting the chemical pathways that alter potassium channels they may be able to apply the findings to humans and reverse some of the cognitive deficits in people with epilepsy and other neurological disorders (ScienceDaily 2012).

11.3b Graded potentials alter the resting potential

Every time an impulse arrives from a neuron the resting potential changes. Depending on the type of signal and its strength the change might depolarize the membrane (move the voltage closer to zero) or hyperpolarize it (make it even more negative). These changes in the resting potential are called graded potentials because they can vary in size. Graded potentials fade away at increasing distances from a single region on the membrane (Johnson, 2012). Summation occurs when many incoming signals from other neurons produce a bigger change in the resting potential.

11.3c An action potential is a sudden reversal of membrane voltage

An action potential is initiated when graded potentials reach a certain threshold (triggering point) (Oellers, 2012). After the threshold is reached there is a sudden temporary reversal of the voltage difference across the cell membrane. Once this action potential is initiated, it sweeps rapidly down the axon at constant amplitude and rate of speed until it reaches the axon terminals. An action potential impulse is the only form in which information is transmitted long distance by the nervous system. Action potentials occur because the axon membrane contains voltage-sensitive ion channels that open and close sequentially once threshold is reached.

Picture of an Action Potential

An action potential happens in a sequence of three events (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Depolarization happens when the threshold is exceeded, sodium channels open briefly and the membrane permeability to sodium increases. Sodium diffuses rapidly into the axon, depolarizing the membrane (the membrane potential turns from negative to positive).
2.      Repolarization is when sodium channels close. Potassium channels open and the membrane permeability to potassium increases. Potassium diffuses outward, repolarizing the membrane (the interior of the axon becomes negative again).
3.      Reestablishment of the resting potential happens after a brief hyper polarization caused by a delay in the full closure of potassium channels, the membrane potential returns to its normal resting value.

While an action potential is under way, an axon cannot generate another action potential this is called the absolute refractory period this ensures the action potential always travel in one direction only.

The absolute refractory period is followed by a brief relative refractory period during which it is harder than usual to generate the next action potential.

11.3d Action potentials are all-or-none and self-propagating

 action potential does not occur unless an individual neuron threshold sets the extent of the stimulus needed (Oellers, 2012). If it achieves the threshold, it fires and an action potential occurs. The form and voltage of the action potential are always the same no matter how high the graded stimulus is. An action potential is “all-or-none” either it occurs or it does not.

An action potential is self-propagating it multiplies itself into the next region of the axon. It moves like a wave down the axon, with constant speed and amplitude (Oellers, 2012).

Neurons transmit information about stimulus intensity by the number of action potentials that are being generated and transmitted per unit time. Stronger stimuli generate more action potentials and unit time. The speed of an action potential is always constant for a given neuron. Action potential speed is greater in larger-diameter axons and in axons covered by an insulating sheath.

11.4 Neuroglial cells support and protect neurons

 80% of cells in the nervous system are neuroglial cells (Oellers, 2012). These cells provide physical support and protection to neurons and help maintain healthy concentrations of important chemicals in the fluid surrounding them. These cells do not generate or transmit impulses.

Schwann cells produce a fatty insulating material called myelin. This material encloses and protects many neuron axons in the PNS peripheral nervous system. A myelin sheath is created when an individual Schwann cell during development wraps itself around a short segment of an axon many times, creating a shiny white protective layer around the axon. Nodes of Ranvier are between adjacent Schwann cells and are short non-insulated gaps where the surface of the axon is still exposed. Myelinated neurons are neurons that have axons wrapped in a sheath of myelin.

The myelin sheath serves three important functions (Johnson, 2012):

1.      It saves the neurons energy. The insulating layer of the myelin prevents some of the inward leak of sodium and outward leak of potassium. These leaks normally have to be replaced by active transport processes requiring energy.
2.      It seeds up the transmission of impulses. The myelin sheath prevents all leakage of charged ions across the axon membrane except where the axon is bare (nodes of Ranvier). The local depolarizing current spreads much farther within the axon all the way to the next node of Ranvier, making the rate of travel even faster than the rate of travel of a continuously propagated action potential along an unmyelinated axon.
3.      It helps damaged or severed axons of the peripheral nervous system regenerate. If a neuron axon is severed, it can grow back because it is still attached to the cell body by the sheath.

Oligodendrocyte is another type of neuroglial cell that produces protective sheaths of myelin in the CNS. Oligodendrocytes degenerate after injury unlike the Schwann cells. This is why spinal cord injuries and CNS disorders such as MS multiple sclerosis result in a permanent change or loss of function. People with MS can suffer a variety of symptoms depending on which areas of the CNS are damaged. Common symptoms include muscle weakness, visual impairment and urinary incontinence. MS is progressive disease (Johnson, 2012).

11.5 Information is transferred from a neuron to its target

In order for neurons to communicate with each other, a chemical substance called a neurotransmitter must be released that crosses between two cells called a synapse. The process of transmission from a neuron to its target is called synaptic transmission. Targets can be another neuron, muscle cell or gland (Oellers, 2012).

11.5a Neurotransmitter is released

At a synapse, the presynaptic membrane is the cell membrane of the neuron that is sending the information. The postsynaptic membrane is the membrane of the cell that is about to receive the information. The synaptic cleft is the small fluid-filled gap that separates the two.

The events that occur during a synaptic transmission occur as follows (Oellers, 2012):

·         An action potential arrives causing calcium to diffuse into the axon bulb
·         Calcium causes the release of neurotransmitters from vesicles.
·         Neurotransmitter diffuses across synaptic cleft, binds to receptors on target (postsynaptic) membrane, and opens gated channels.
·          Graded potential results from sodium movement through opened channels

11.5b Neurotransmitter exert excitatory or inhibitory effects

The response of the postsynaptic cell to neurotransmitter depends on several factors, including the type of neurotransmitter, type of receptors and type of gated ion channels (Oellers, 2012).

Neurotransmitters are classified as (Johnson, 2012):

·         Excitatory neurotransmitters that depolarize the postsynaptic cell causing threshold to be exceeded or approached and the generation of new impulses in the postsynaptic neuron.
·         Inhibitory neurotransmitters cause the postsynaptic cell to hyperpolarize and make it harder for threshold to be reached. These neurotransmitters prevent the generation of action potentials in the postsynaptic neuron.
·         Some neurotransmitters can be excitatory or inhibitory depending on the type of receptor to which they bind on the postsynaptic membrane.

Prompt removal of neurotransmitter causes neural signals to be terminated rapidly. Only then can the next message be received.                                                                                                            

The neurotransmitter may be removed from the synaptic cleft in three ways (Johnson, 2012):

1.      It may be taken back up again by the presynaptic neuron and repackaged into membrane-bound vesicles, to be used again
2.      It may be destroyed by enzymes in the synaptic cleft
3.      It may diffuse away from the synaptic cleft into the general circulation, where it will ultimately be destroyed

11.5c Postsynaptic neurons integrate and process information

Postsynaptic neurons may integrate incoming signals from many different presynaptic neurons. The conversion of the signal from electrical (action potential) to chemical (neurotransmitter) allows the postsynaptic cell to do a lot of integration and information processing. One way for threshold to be reached in a postsynaptic neuron is for the presynaptic neuron to increase frequency of stimulation, sending lots of action potential in a short time. Response in postsynaptic cell depends on how many neurons are forming synapses with it and wheter the neurons forming synapses are excitatory or inhibitory (Oellers, 2012). One neuron receives input from many neurons called convergence. Divergence occurs when one neuron sends action potentials to multiply other neurons.


Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.
            Oellers, J. (n.d). Online Presentation: Ch11. The Nervous System: Integration and Control. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from http://lblackboard.yc.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Dcourse%26id%3D_43466_1
            Science Daily (April 26, 2012). Clues to Reverse Cognitive Deficits in People with Neurological Disorders. Retrieved May 5, 2012, from

Ch. 12 Sensory Mechanisms

Table of Contents

12.1 Receptors receive and convert stimuli
            a. Receptors are classified according to stimulus
            b. The CNS interprets nerve impulses based on origin and frequency
            c. Some receptors adapt to continuing stimuli
            d. Somatic sensations and special senses provide sensory information
12.2 Somatic sensations arise from receptors throughout the body
            a. Mechanoreceptors detect touch, pressure and vibration
            b. Mechanoreceptors indicate limb position, muscle length and tension
            c. Thermoreceptors detect temperature
            d. Pain receptors signal discomfort
12.6 Vision: Detecting and interpreting visual stimuli
            a. Structure of the eye
            b. Regulating the amount of light and focusing the image
            c. Eyeball shape affects focus
            d. Light is converted into action potentials
            e. Rods and cones respond to light
            f. Rods provide vision in dim light
            g. Cones provide color vision and accurate images
            h. Visual receptors adapt
12.7 Disorders of sensory mechanisms
            a. Disorders of the ears
                        1. Deafness: loss of hearing
                        2. Otitis media: Inflammation of the middle ear
                        3. Meniere’s syndrome: Inner ear condition impairs hearing and balance
            b. Disorders of the eyes
                        1. Retinal detachment: Retina separates from choroid
                        2. Cataracts: The lens become opaque
                        3. Glaucoma: Pressure inside the eye rises
                        4. Age-related macular degeneration
                        5. Color blindness: Inability to distinguish the full range of colors

12.1 Receptors receive and convert stimuli

Stimulus is sensory input that causes a change within or outside the body (Johnson 2012). The stimulus is often a form of physical energy such as heat, pressure, or sound waves, but it can also be a chemical. Receptors are located throughout the body and provide us with information about body position, touch, temperature, vibration, pressure and pain.

Some receptors convert the stimulus into a graded potential that, if powerful enough, initiate an impulse within the sensory neuron. Other receptors are parts of cells that produce graded potentials and release a neurotransmitter, stimulating nearby sensory neuron.

We feel sensations when the CNS receives impulses and we perceive these impulses as what we understand the sensations are. For example, when we hear thunder we know that a storm is on its way.

12.1a Receptors are classified according to stimulus

Receptors are classified according to type of stimulus energy they convert (Johnson 2012):

·         Mechanoreceptors respond to forms of mechanical energy, such as waves or sound, changes in fluid pressure, physical touch or pressure, stretching or forces generated by gravity and acceleration.
·         Thermoreceptors respond to heat or cold.
·         Pain receptors respond to tissue damage or excessive pressure or temperature.
·         Chemoreceptor’s respond to the presence of chemicals in the nearby area
·         Photoreceptors respond to light.

Many receptors contribute to sensations and some to giving us a sense of where our limbs are located. Stretch receptors monitor and regulate blood pressure and fluid volumes, and chemoreceptor’s regulate the chemical composition of our internal environment. These receptors are “silent” we are not consciously aware of their actions and they function in negative feedback loops that maintain homeostasis inside the body.

12.1b The CNS interprets nerve impulses based on origin and frequency

Cells in the CNS interpret incoming impulses as images because nerve impulses are transmitted from receptors to specific brain areas. Impulses generated by visual stimuli travel in sensory neurons whose axons go directly to brain regions associated with vision. All incoming impulses traveling in these neurons are interpreted as light. Cells in the CNS are also able to distinguish a loud sound from a soft one. Stronger stimuli activate more receptors and trigger a greater frequency of impulses in sensor neurons.

12.1c Some receptors adapt to continuing stimuli

The CNS can ignore one sensation to concentrate on others. For example, if you are interested in something else, you do not focus on how your clothes feel on your body. Some sensory inputs are ignored after a while, because of receptor adaptation. This is where the sensory neuron stops sending impulses even though the original stimulus is still present. For example touch a strand of your hair, you will feel an initial sensation and then that sensation disappears.

There are receptors in the skin for light touch and pressure. This is for a survival advantage because they keep the CNS informed of changes in the stimuli, without bombarding it with relatively unimportant stimuli (Johnson 2012). Olfactory are smell receptors that inform us of different smells. Other receptors include pain, joint and muscle receptors that are used to monitor the position of our limbs, and all of the silent receptors involved in homeostatic feedback control loops. Some receptors adapt rapidly while others adapt slowly or not at all.

12.1d Somatic sensations and special senses provide sensory information

Senses (sensations) provided by receptors are categorized as (Johnson 2012):

·         Somatic sensations originate from receptors present at more than one location in the body. These include temperature, touch, vibration, pressure, pain and awareness of body movements and position.

·         Special senses originate from receptors that are restricted to particular areas of the body, such as the ears and eyes. They deliver highly specialized information about the external world.

12.2 Somatic sensations arise from receptors throughout the body

Somatic sensations are essential to help us coordinate muscle movements, avoid danger, and maintain body temperature. These sensations are also the response we have when we are touched by a loved one.

Receptors that detect the somatic sensations are located throughout the body in skin, joints, skeletal muscles, tendons and internal organs (Johnson 2012). Sensory neurons linked to these receptors send their impulses to the brain, specifically to the primary somatosensory area of the parietal love of the cerebral cortex. Parts of the body with the greatest sensory sensitivity such as the mouth and fingers involve more neurons in the somatosensory area, where less sensitive body parts involve fewer neurons.

The somatosensory area processes the information and sends it to the nearby primary motor area in the frontal lobe. If necessary, impulses are then generated in motor (output) neurons of the peripheral nervous system to cause body movement.

12.2a Mechanoreceptors detect touch, pressure, and vibration

Mechanoreceptors are receptors for sensing touch, pressure and vibration. These receptors may take several different forms but all mechanoreceptors are the modified dendrite endings of sensory neurons. Any force that deforms the plasma membrane of the dendrite ending produces a typical graded potential. If the graded potential is large enough to exceed threshold, the sensory neuron initiates an impulse.

The various receptors for touch, pressure and vibration differ in location. Vibration-sensitive receptors adapt quickly and take a rapidly changing physical deformation to keep them stimulated. These types of receptors are useful for providing information about insects flying around us.

Several types of receptors for detecting somatic sensations as follows (Johnson 2012):

·         Unencapsulated dendritic endings are naked dendrite endings of sensory neurons around hairs and near the skin surface to signal pain, light pressure, and changes in temperature.
·         Merkel disks are modified unencapsulated dendritic endings that detect light touch and pressure.
·         Meissner’s corpuscles are encapsulated touch receptors located close to the skin surface that detect the beginning and the end of light pressure and touch.
·         Ruffini endings are encapsulated receptors that respond continually to ongoing pressure.
·         Pacinian corpuscles consists of several kinds of dendrite endings are encapsulated (enclosed) in epithelial or connective tissue. The Pacinian corpuscles are enclosed receptors located in the dermis that respond to either deep pressure or high-frequency vibration. This receptor permits the mechanoreceptor to adapt rapidly, even to a continuously applied stimulus.

12.2b Mechanoreceptors indicate limb position, muscle length and tension

A variety of Mechanoreceptors in our joints (for joint position), skeletal muscle (for muscle length), and in tendons (for tension) make it possible for us to close our eyes and know where our limbs are or make it easy for us to identify which muscle groups are contracting. Muscle spindles are mechanoreceptors that monitor muscle length. For most joints, muscle length determines joint position because of the way the muscle is attached to the bones. Muscle spindles are small bundles of modified skeletal muscle cells located within a skeletal muscle. Sensory nerves whose dendritic endings are mechanoreceptors are attached to the muscle spindles. When the whole muscle is stretched, so do the receptors that are attached. Mechanical distortion of the mechanoreceptors produces local graded potentials in the dendrite endings and an action potential. Example of this action is a reflex. Tendons, which connect muscle to bone, have mechanoreceptors that respond to tension, but they cannot distinguish between tension produced by passive stretch and tension produced by active muscle contraction. Tendon receptors help protect you from injury by extremely high tensions. An example of this is falling out of tree and when you hit the ground, you automatically fall. This effect is a reflex induced collapse that protects your muscles from tearing and your bones from breaking.

12.2c Thermoreceptors detect temperature

Thermoreceptors are near the skin’s surface and detect heat and cold, which provide information about the external environment (Johnson 2012). They adapt quickly, allowing us to monitor changes in temperature accurately and adjust sensory input so it becomes more bearable. An example of this is swimming in a lake. At first, the water is cold but soon your body adjusts to the temperature and you no longer feel cold.

Other thermoreceptors are located in the abs and chest organs throughout the body that monitor internal temperatures (core temperature). They help in maintain homeostasis and they do not adapt quickly.

12.2d Pain receptors signal discomfort

Pain receptors are unencapsulated endings that respond to injury from excessive physical pressure, heat, light or chemicals.

Pain can be depending on its characteristics (Johnson 2012):

·         Fast
·         Slow

Fast pain can be either acute or sharp and occurs quickly after the stimulus. Receptors for fast pain respond to physical pressure or heat and usually are located near the surface of the body. They inform us of stimuli to be avoided, for example, a hot burner on a stove that when we touch we automatically draw our hand away; this is in response to fast pain that is rapid and strong.

Slow pain arises from muscles or internal organs. This type of pain is due to activation of chemically sensitive pain receptors by chemicals released from damaged tissue. Slow pain from internal organs is often perceived as originating from an area of the body completely removed from the actual source. This is called referred pain. This happens because action potentials from internal pain receptors are transmitted to the brain by the same spinal neurons that transmit action potentials from pain receptors in the skin and skeletal muscles. The brain has no way of knowing the exact source of the pain so it assigns the pain to another location. An example of this is someone who is having a heart attack; you will initially feel the pain in the left shoulder and down the left arm. Pain receptors do not adapt for survival purposes.

12.6 Vision: Detecting and interpreting visual stimuli

Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation (Johnson 2012). Our eyes allow us to receive and process light. They enable us to detect light from objects both nearby and distant and from sources either dim or bright. Photoreceptors are cells in our eyes that collect what we see and focus it.

12.6a Structure of the eye

A tough outer coat known as the sclera (white of the eye) covers the outer surface except in the very front, where it is continuous with the clear cornea.
Light enters through the transparent cornea and passes through aqueous humor (that nourishes and cushions the cornea and lens). Light then either strikes the iris (colored disk-shaped muscle that determines how much light enters the eye or passes through the pupil (adjustable opening in the center of the iris). The light then strikes the lens (a transparent, flexible structure attached by connective tissue fibers to a ring of circularly arranged smooth muscle called the ciliary muscle). Light then passes through the main chamber of the eye filled with vitreous humor. Light encounters the layers at the back and sides of the eye (Johnson 2012). This is the retinal (primarily photoreceptor cells, neurons and a few blood vessels) and the the back of the eye where the choroid (comprises of pigmented cells and blood vessels). The pigmented cells absorb light not sensed by photoreceptors so that the image is not distorted by reflected light and the blood vessels nourish the retina (Johnson 2012). At the back of the eye is the optic nerve, which carries information to the thalamus to be forwarded to the visual cortex for interpretation. Finally, skeletal muscles surround the eye and control its movements so we can choose where to look. The macula is the central region of the retina where photoreceptor density is the highest. When we want to focus in on an object, we look directly at it. At the very center of the macula is a small pit called the fovea centralis that is lined with photoreceptors (Johnson 2012). The optic disk is where the axons of the optic nerve and blood vessels exit the eye, so there are no photoreceptors. The optic disk leaves us with a “blind spot” in each eye.

12.6b Regulating the amount of light and focusing the image

The iris adjusts the amount of light entering the eye with two sets of smooth muscles. Bright lights would overwhelm our photoreceptors and blind us if the muscles in our eyes did not cause our pupil to contract. In dim light, contraction of smooth muscles arranged radially around the pupil causes the pupil to dilate (Johnson 2012).

Nerves control each set of muscles. To test this, physicians will shine a flashlight into your eyes. Your pupils should be small in response to the light and when the light is removed, the pupils should get bigger.

The cornea and the lens focus light entering the eye. The cornea is curved and not adjustable. It is responsible for bending most of the incoming light. However, changing the curvature of the lens regulates the intensity of the incoming light, changes our focus between near, and far objects.

To focus on an object that is near the ciliary muscle will contract and the inner radius of the muscle shrinks reducing the tension of the fibers attached to the lens (Johnson 2012). This allows the lens to focus on an abject that is near. When the ciliary muscle relaxes, the ring of muscle increases the tension on the lens, stretching and flattening it and bringing objects that are more distant into focus. Accommodation refers to the adjustment of lens curvature so we can focus on near or far objects.

The light rays from each point of an object are bent and focused so that the image created on the retinal is upside down (inverted). The brain interprets the image as right side up.

Around forty years old our lens will stiffen and cannot resume a bulging shape even when the ciliary muscles are contracted (Johnson, 2012). This results in presbyopia, the inability to focus on nearby objects.

12.6c Eyeball shape affects focus

Differences in the shape of the eyeball affect our ability to focus properly. Myopia is a common inherited condition in which the eyeball is slightly longer than normal (Johnson, 2012). Even when the lens is flattened, distant objects focus in front of the retina. People with this disorder can see nearby objects, but objects far away are blurry. This is called nearsightedness. Concave lenses bend incoming light so it focuses on the retina. This can correct nearsightedness.

Hyperopia (farsightedness) is a disorder where people can see objects far away, but objects close by are blurry (Johnson 2012). This occurs when the eyeball is too short and nearby objects focus behind the retina. Convex lenses can correct this. Astigmatism is blurred vision caused by irregularities of the shape of the cornea or lens. This results in light being scattered and may not focus evenly on the retina. Specialty ground lenses that exactly compensate for the irregularities of the cornea and lens can fix this.

12.6d Light is converted into action potentials

The eyes convert stimulus (light) into impulses. This process occurs in the retina. The retinal allows us to see in color, adapt light intensities, and perceive images of the world around us.

The retina consists of four layers (Johnson 2012):

1.      The outermost layer consists of pigmented cells that along with the choroid absorb light not captured by the photoreceptor cells.
2.      Next layer of photoreceptor cells are called rods and cones because of their shape.
3.      The rods and cones synapse with the third layer of neurons called bipolar cells. These cells process and integrate information and then pass it on to the fourth layer.
4.      The innermost layer consists of ganglion cells. These cells are neurons with long axons that become the optic nerve going to the brain.

12.6e Rods and cones respond to light

The rods and cones shape, consist of a series of flattened disks arranged to form a rod or cone shaped structure at one end. The flattened disks contain molecules of a light-sensitive protein called photopigment (Johnson 2012). This protein undergoes a change of shape when exposed to light. This change of shape causes the photoreceptors (rod or cone) to close some of its sodium channels and reduce the amount of neurotransmitter it normally releases. This activates the ganglion cells.

12.6f Rods provide vision in dim light

Rods all have the same photopigment called rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is much more sensitive to light than the photopigments in cones. In dim light, our vision is dependent on rods because of this. Rods do not give us color vision, which is why objects appear less colorful in dim light (Johnson, 2012). Rods and cones are not distributed evenly on the retina. Regions of the retina farthest away from the fovea have the highest ration of rods to cones.

12.6g Cones provide color vision and accurate images

We are able to see colors because we have three different kinds of cones: red, green and blue (Johnson 2012). Each contains a photopigment that absorbs the light of red, green or blue light. Our ability to distinguish a variety of colors is due to the way the brain interprets the ratios of impulses coming from the ganglion cells connected to the three types of cones. When all three types are activated by different wavelengths, we see white light. When we see black, it is because there is an absence of light. Cones require stronger light to be activated because the cone photopigments are much less sensitive to light than the rhodopsin in rods. This is why our ability to distinguish between colors declines in dim light. In dim light, you see with your rods, which can detect only black and white.

12.6h Visual receptors adapt

Vision adapts to changing light conditions over several seconds or minutes. Adaptation takes longer when going from bright to dim light than it does in the opposite direction. Adaptation depends on rapid adjustment of the pupil by the iris and on adaptation by the rods.
Rhodopsin absorbs light and uses up the photopigment temporarily. Light energy breaks the rhodopsin into two molecules, which can be resynthesized into rhodopsin again over a period of minutes. Being in bright light for long periods causes most of your rhodopsin to be broken down. Then when you enter a dim room your cones are no longer working and there is not enough intact rhodopsin for you to see very well in the dim room. With time, your rhodopsin is resynthesized and your vision becomes clear. When you go outside on a bright day from a dim room the light seems very bright because you have the maximum amount of photopigment in both rods and cones.

12.7 Disorders of sensory mechanisms

There are many disorders of your senses. We will focus on disorders concerning the ears and eyes.

12.7a Disorders of the ears

Having problems hearing can range from having a loss of hearing-to-hearing impairment. Scientists have discovered that that hearing is also linked to touch. People with good hearing also have a keen sense of touch; people with impaired hearing generally have an impaired sense of touch (ScienceDaily 2012). ScienceDaily 2012 reports in their article that scientists during a five year experiment have discovered that women hear better than men and feel more.

12.7a, 1 Deafness: loss of hearing

Deafness is caused by damage to hair cells (Johnson, 2012). This is called nerve deafness because sounds can be converted into impulses in sensory nerves. Nerve deafness results from frequent exposure to loud sounds. Damage to the bones of the middle ear is called conduction deafness. Sound waves are not transferred to the inner rear at all. This is caused by arthritis of the middle ear bones. A hearing aid can correct some types of hearing loss. If hair cells are missing, however the amplification of a hearing aid will not be effective. A tiny implanted microprocessor can help with this. This device converts sound waves into electrical signals.

12.7a, 2 Otitis media: Inflammation of the middle ear

An earache is caused by otitis media, an inflammation of the middle ear that results from an upper respiratory tract infection (Johnson 2012). This tract infection extends up the auditory tube and can become blocked and trapped with fluid. Antibiotics can treat this.

12.7a, 3 Meniere’s syndrome: Inner ear condition impairs hearing and balance

Menieres syndrome is a chronic condition of the inner ear. The cause is unknown but can be excess fluid in the cochlea and semicircular canals. Symptoms include dizziness and nausea by progressive hearing loss. Balance can be affected finding it difficult to stand upright. Mild cases can be treated with motion sickness medications. Severe cases may benefit from surgery to drain excel fluid from the inner ear.

12.7b Disorders of the eyes

Disorders of the eyes can include blindness, cataracts, glaucoma, visual impairment and color blindness.

12.7b, 1 Retinal detachment: Retina separates from choroid

A blow to the head causes retinal detachment. What happens is that the retina is torn and the vitreous humor leaks through the tear and peels the retina away from the choroid (Johnson 2012). The detached region of the retina loses most of its blood supply and its ability to focus on an image properly. Symptoms include flashes of light, blurred vision or loss of peripheral vision. Prompt surgery can usually repair the damage.

12.7b, 2 Cataracts: The lens becomes opaque

Cataracts are a decrease in the normal transparency of a lens. Normally the lens contains a kind of protein that is folded in such a way that it is transparent. If the delivery of nutrients is inadequate these proteins may denature or clump making the lens opaque (not allowing the light to pass through the retina) (Johnson 2012). Some cataracts are present at birth (congenital), but most are age-related. Treatment includes removing the lens surgically and replacing it with an artificial lens.

12.7b, 3 Glaucoma: Pressure inside the eye rises

Glaucoma is a condition in which the drainage vessel that drains the aqueous humor (brings nutrients and oxygen to the lens and cornea and carries away wastes) become blocked (Johnson 2012). The excess fluid increases pressure inside the eye and compresses blood vessels supplying the retina. Cells of the retina or optic nerve may die, impairing vision and often will start as a loss of peripheral vision. Glaucoma generally develops slowly and painlessly over several years without any symptoms. Most people do not realize they have Glaucoma until their vision starts to fade. Although not common, but glaucoma can develop acutely (within hours) with symptoms of blurred vision and red, swollen and sometimes painful eyes. Acute glaucoma requires immediate medical care. Glaucoma can be detected with a test that measures the pressure in the eye. Glaucoma if detected early can be control with drugs or surgery before permanent damage occurs. However, any vision that has been lost cannot be restored.

12.7b, 4 Age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration is a disease of visual impairment caused by detachment of the retinal and degeneration of photoreceptor cells in the macular region of the retina (Johnson 2012). The most common cause of AMD is accumulation of cellular debris between the choroid and the retina. AMD can also be caused by an abnormal growth of blood vessels in this region. AMD results in a loss of visual acuity in the center of the visual field making it difficult to recognize faces or to read. AMD is the leading cause of loss of vision in persons over 60. There is no effective cure.

12.7b, 5 Color blindness: Inability to distinguish the full range of colors

Deficient numbers of particular types of cones causes most forms of color blindness. One of the three cones can also be missing. People with red-green color blindness are deficient in either red cones or green cones. They have trouble distinguishing between red and green or they can perceive them as the same color. The inability to perceive any color at all is caused when two of the three cones are missing. Color blindness if often inherited. Red-green color blindness is an X-linked recessive trait that is more common in men than women are. Color blindness can be tested with a series of colored test plates.


Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.
            Science Daily (May 1, 2012). Hearing and Touch Have Common Genetic Basis: Gene Mutation Leads to Impairment of Two Senses. Retrieved May 6, 2012, from

Ch. 24 Human Impacts, Biodiversity, and Environmental Issues

Table of Contents

24.1 Pollutants impair air quality
            a. Excessive greenhouse gases lead to global warming
            b. CFCs deplete the ozone layer
            c. Pollutants produce acid precipitation
            d. Smog blankets industrial areas
24.2 Pollution jeopardizes scarce water supplies
            a. Water is scarce and unequally distributed
            b. Urbanization increases storm water runoff
            c. Human activities pollute freshwater
            d. Groundwater pollution may impair human health
            e. Oil pollution damages oceans and shorelines
24.3 Pollution and overuse damage the land

24.1 Pollutants impair air quality

Air consists of 79% nitrogen, 21% oxygen with trace amounts of carbon dioxide (Johnson, 2012). Pollution is also found in the air we breathe. Thousands of chemicals and particles have adverse effects on every living organism on Earth.

The concerns of air pollution fall into four areas (Johnson, 2012):

1.      Global warming
2.      Destruction of the ozone layer
3.      Acid precipitation
4.      Smog production

Air pollution is hard to get rid of because there are so many possibilities to where the pollution came from.

24.1a Excessive greenhouse gases lead to global warming

Greenhouse gases are gases that are caught in Earth’s atmosphere and increase the temperatures on Earth, like a green house. The stratosphere is the upper layer of the atmosphere where the greenhouse gases become trapped. 60% of greenhouse gases are water vapor and the remainder are human-made that consist of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and small amounts of two other air pollutants: the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), used primarily as refrigerants and gases called halons that contain bromine, used in fire extinguishers (Johnson, 2012). Together the greenhouse gases produce a greenhouse effect, allowing sunlight to come to Earth, but trapping most of the heat radiated from Earth on its way to space. This is necessary so the Earth can trap the sun’s heat and keep the Earth from freezing. Most of the carbon dioxide trapped in the stratosphere is a result of respiration. Human activities have increased the amount of carbon dioxide being trapped in the atmosphere by products of exhaust caused by fossil fuels. The carbon in fossil fuels comes from decayed plant material that was buried underground by sedimentary processes. When we burn fossil fuels, we release carbon dioxide into the air. Deforestation also raises atmospheric carbon dioxide. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air during photosynthesis, when we cut trees down there are fewer trees to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and when trees are burned the carbon is immediately released back into the atmosphere. Because of the rise of greenhouse gases this is increasing the greenhouse effect and raising the average global temperature called global warming. The Greenhouse effect is the second law of thermodynamics, high quality solar energy entering Earth’s atmosphere is reemitted as lower-quality heat energy (Oellers, 2012). Eamples of Greenhouse gases would be water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons (Oellers, 2012).

24.1b CFCs deplete the ozone layer

Ozone is an air pollutant formed by the reaction of oxygen with automobile exhaust and industrial pollution. Ozone is toxic causing plant damage and respiratory distress in animals and humans (Johnson, 2012).

The ozone is found in two different atmospheric locations (Oellers, 2012)

1.      Pollution in the troposphere (near Earth’s surface)
2.      Protective shield in the Stratosphere that protects Earth’s surface from UV light

Higher up in the atmosphere the ozone is beneficial forming a thin layer in the stratosphere that helps shield Earth from (UV) ultraviolet rays. UV rays damage DNA, contribute to skin cancer, and may cause cataracts.

(CFCs) Chlorofluorocarbons destroy the ozone layer. This happens because chlorine atoms are released when we use certain refrigerants, air conditioners and aerosol sprays. These chlorine atoms migrate towards the stratosphere and decompose releasing chlorine atoms. The chlorine atoms combine with ozone and destroy it producing oxygen. A chlorine molecule can be used repeatedly in the reaction and can destroy as many as 10,000 ozone molecules (Johnson, 2012). CFCs can create holes in the ozone causing skin cancer to be more prevalent. The ozone layer can repair itself, but takes a very long time.

24.1c Pollutants produce acid precipitation

The major source of acid precipitation is sulfur dioxide, which is released into the air from burning high sulfur coal and oil for power. Nitrogen oxide in automobile exhaust will produce acid precipitation as well. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides combine with water vapor in the air and become sulfuric acid and nitric acid. These acids dissolve in raindrops, which fall as acid precipitation. Acid precipitation corrodes metal and stone and damages forests and aquatic ecosystems. Acid precipitation decreases due to pollution abatement measures (Oellers, 2012).

Regulatory actions have been taken to reduce acid precipitation by requiring coal-burning power plants to install sulfur removal and capture system known as “scrubbers” to reduce their emissions of sulfur dioxide (Johnson, 2012).

24.1d Smog blankets industrial areas

“Smoke” + Fog = Smog (Oellers, 2012).
Smog is a hazy brown or gray layer that hovers over regions where it is produced. Smog is made from nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons (chains of carbons linked to hydrogen’s), that react with each other in sunlight and water vapor. Most smog is produced by the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) and by exhaust.

Thermal inversion is atmospheric conditions that trap smog and prevent it from dispersing (Oellers, 2012). Smog contains chemicals that irritate the eyes and lungs and can lead to chronic respiratory illnesses like asthma and emphysema (Johnson, 2012).

Widespread cleanup efforts like requiring every automobile to have a catalytic converter have reduced the problem of smog. Catalytic converters contain a chemical that converts damaging gases like carbon dioxide to chemicals that does not damage the environment like dioxide.

24.2 Pollution jeopardizes scarce water supplies

Human activities have three major detrimental effects on water quality and availability(Johnson, 2012):

1.      Humans use excessive amounts of water, depleting freshwater supplies
2.      Replacing natural vegetation with buildings and roads prevents rainwater from soaking in, causing runoff
3.      Some kinds of human activities pollute sources of water.

24.2a Water is scarce and unequally distributed

Water is continuously being recycled and replenished by evaporation from the oceans and then it rains replenishing the water. There is only 1% of freshwater on the Earth, 97% is salt water and 2% are glaciers (Johnson, 2012). Humans use and waste more water than we should causing water to be rerouted to fill water shortages. Diverting water takes it away from other species and limits their normal migration patterns. Industrialized countries use ten to 100 times more water than less industrialized countries (Oellers, 2012).

24.2b Urbanization increases storm water runoff

Roads and buildings have caused major storm water runoff problems. In the New York harbor, they have had past problems with storm water combining with sewage that runs into receiving streams and oceans. This is a major source for pathogens causing gastroenteritis, eye and ear infections, skin rashes, respiratory infections and hepatitis in swimmers and kayakers (Johnson, 2012). Pipes used to transport storm water runoff from buildings and roads to streams lead to stream overflows during storms and insufficient water levels during dry periods. This results in erosion of stream beds and loss of aquatic life.

24.2c Human activities pollute freshwater

Pollution comes from untreated sewage, chemicals from factories, the runoff of pesticides and fertilizers, and rubber and oil from city streets. Some water pollutants are organic nutrients that arise from sewage treatment plants, food-packaging plants and paper mills. These nutrients can cause bacteria to replicate quickly depleting the water of oxygen when they are dissolved. This can kill aquatic animals. Others are inorganic nutrients such as nitrate and phosphate fertilizers and sulfates in laundry detergents. These cause prolific growth of algae, which die and are decomposed by bacteria.

An excessive amount of inorganic or organic nutrients causes eutrophications which is the rapid growth of plant life and the death of animal life in a shallow body of water. Eutrophication is the normal process that converts freshwater into marsh and then dry land.

Toxic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), oil and gasoline, pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals cannot be degraded by biological decomposition and remain in the environment for a long time. Bigger animals in the food chain consume many times its own weight and ingest these toxic pollutants. This is known as biological magnification. Toxic pollutants tend to become more concentrated in the tissues of organisms, which consume them. An example of this is mercury. Bigger fish like swordfish contain more mercury than cod. Exposure to mercury can lead to a loss of coordination, decreased memory and intellect and a poor immune system development. Mercury when released in the environment through exhaust, gold production, smelters for nonferrous metal production and cement production tend to end up in aquatic ecosystems infecting big fish (Johnson, 2012). Other water pollutants include disease-causing organisms that cause typhoid fever and hepatitis, sediments from soil erosion that clog waterways and fill in lakes and shipping canals, excess nitrogen fertilizers used on land to grow crops, and heat pollution from power plants. Heat pollution can suffocate aquatic life by reducing the amount of oxygen in the water.

24.2d Groundwater pollution may impair human health

Groundwater pollutants pose two additional concerns (Johnson 2012):

1.      Groundwater is used as drinking water and can adversely affect human health
2.      Groundwater is a slowly exchanging pool. Once it becomes polluted, it can stay polluted for a very long time. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that as many as 50% of all water systems and rural wells contain some type of pollutant. The most common are organic solvents such as carbon tetrachloride, pesticides and fertilizers such as nitrates. Public health officials suspect that some pollutants contribute to miscarriages, skin rashes, nervous disorders, and birth defects.

Radioactive wastes can also contaminate groundwater through improper disposal of by nuclear power plants.

24.2e Oil pollution damages oceans and shorelines

The damages from oil spills may not be known for decades. Several million tons of oil enters the world’s ocean a year. Fifty percent of the oil comes from natural seepage, 30% by oil disposal on land that is washed to the sea in streams and rivers and 20% results from accidents at sea (Oellers, 2012). When oil is spilled in the ocean, about a quarter evaporates, bacteria degrade half and the rest settles on the ocean floor. This can cause significant damage to marine and shoreline ecosystems by coating on living organisms, disrupting their ability to function and even choking and killing smaller organisms. Shoreline ecosystems can show signs of damage for years, including a loss of breeding grounds from shrimp and fish.

24.3 Pollution and overuse damage the land

Land use and land pollution problems differ by region. In some areas, humans alter the landscape in search of fossil fuels and minerals. Cities expand into productive lands and place a burden on resources. In rural regions, deforestation and desertification damage ecosystems and limit their future productivity. Fifty percent of our forests have been removed (Oellers, 2012). As populations grow, the cities extend encroaching on the indigenous animals. In Africa, the Cross River gorilla is the rarest of the four subspecies of gorilla, with fewer than 250 individuals remaining across its entire range, limited to the remote forested mountainous terrain on the border region of Nigeria and Cameroon (ScienceDaily, 2012). These gorillas are listed as “Critically Endangered” and are threatened by both habitat destruction and hunting, as the entire population lives in a region of high human population density and heavy natural resource exploitation (ScienceDaily, 2012).
It has been estimated that human activities have altered a third of Earth’s land mass, including the removal of nearly half of its forest cover. This includes damming river valleys, stripping mountaintops, and cutting down forests. As the human population grows so, do cities extending to nearby farmlands. Cities require large quantities of water and power and generate waste and pollution in relatively small areas.

In rural areas, more than half of people of the world live in rural poverty (Johnson, 2012). Many rely on their local environment to survive, cutting down all the trees for fuel and shelter and overgrazing the land with livestock. This leads to erosion and desertification the transformation of marginal lands into near-desert conditions unsuitable for future agriculture.

Garbage disposal is another issue. Landfills are one solution that if designed well does not contribute to ground or water pollution. Recycling helps with waste and has less of an impact on the environment. 


            Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.
            Oellers, J. (n.d). Online Presentation: Ch. 24 Human Impacts, Biodiversity, and Environmental Issues. Retrieved May 7, 2012, from http://lblackboard.yc.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Dcourse%26id%3D_43466_1
            Science Daily (May 8, 2012). Rare Glimpse of World’s Rarest Gorilla. Retrieved May 8, 2012, from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/05/120508124500.htm

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