Sunday, March 11, 2012

Unit Compilation II

Chapter 17

Cell Reproduction and Differentiation

Table of Contents:

17.1 The cell cycle creates new cells

17.2 Replication, transcription, and translation: An overview

            a. Replication: Copying DNA before cell division

            b. Mutations are alterations in DNA

            c. Mechanisms of DNA repair

            d. Transcription: Converting a gene’s code into mRNA

            e. Translation: Making a protein from RNA

17.3 Cell reproduction: One cell becomes two

            a. Mitosis: Daughter cells are identical to the parent cell

            b. Cytokinesis divides one cell into two identical cells

            c. Mitosis produces diploid cells, and meiosis produces haploid cells

            d. Meiosis: Preparing for sexual reproduction

            e. Sex differences in meiosis: Four sperm versus one egg

17.4 How cell reproduction is regulated

17.5 Environmental factors influence cell differentiation

            a. Differentiation during early development

            b. Differentiation later in development

17.6 Cloning an organism requires an undifferentiated cell

            a. Embryo splitting: producing identical offspring

            b. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer: Cloning an Adult

17.7 Therapeutic cloning: Creating tissues and organs

17.1 The cell cycle creates new cells

Cell cycle

New cells are created from existing cells.

There are 2 periods of a cell cycle.

1)      Interphase- Johnson 2012 states that interphase is the beginning phase (long growth period). During this phase, the cell grows and the DNA is duplicated in preparation for the next division.

Interphase has 3 subphases:

a)      G1 phase

·         Beginning of cell cycle

·         Cell is most active

b)      S phase

·         DNA synthesis occurs

c)      G2 phase

·         The cell growth is slow

·         Prepares for cell division

2)      Mitotic Phase- This is where the nucleus and cytoplasm divide.

This phase has 2 sub phases

a)      Mitosis

·         DNA divides into two sets

·         Nucleus divides

b)      Cytokinesis-

·         Cytoplasm divides

·          Two new cells called “daughter” cells form


·         Cells stop growing

·         Stop dividing

Sometimes cells in tissues can be called back to start dividing again.

17.2 Replication, transcription, and translation: An overview


·         exact copy of DNA

·          Occurs prior to every cell division


·         Converts portion of double-stranded DNA to single-strand mRNA.

·         Occurs within the nucleus


·         Converts a messenger RNA (mRNA) code into one or more proteins

·          Occurs in the cytoplasm

17.2 a. Replication: Copying DNA before cell division

The process of replication occurs when the DNA strand uncoils or unzips.

 During the G1 phase (sub phase of Interphase), DNA molecule exist as long thin Chromosomes. During the S phase, the two strands of DNA unwind and replicate. This occurs at multiple sites along the chromosome.

After replication the duplicated chromosome, consist of sister chromatids, held together by a centromere.

During mitosis, the sister chromatids, condense and become visible.

Then they are pulled apart, with one going to each daughter cell.

When mitosis is complete, the single chromosome again takes on the more dispersed form and is no longer visible.

17.2 b. Mutations are alterations in DNA


·         mistakes made during DNA replication

·          for example, chemicals introduced to the fetus like house hold cleaners

·          Physical forces

Mutations occur most frequently during the DNA replication process.

Repair enzymes can repair some mutations.

17.2 c. Transcription: Converting a gene’s code into mRNA

Transcription occurs in the nucleus. A portion of the double-stranded DNA molecule unwinds temporarily and RNA polymerase assist in copying base sequences in RNA nucleotide.

The RNA molecule produced from the primary transcript (strand of RNA released from the DNA) called the mRNA can be translated into amino acids that synthesizes proteins.

The primary transcript includes introns, which are edited out, and exons (carry genetic information) are spliced appropriately.

A messenger RNA strand is produced.

17.2 d. Translation: Making protein from RNA

  accessed March 10, 2012

Genes from DNA produce three different kinds of RNA

1)      (mRNA) Messenger RNA: carries the recipe for a new protein.

2)      (tRNA) Transfer RNA- carries the code for one amino acid. tRNA is folded into a particular shape.

3)      (rRNA) Ribosomal RNA- Connects amino acids together.


·         takes place in the cytoplasm

·         occurs in 3 stages

·         Assembly takes place on a ribosome.

1)      Initiation: A tRNA carrying the “start” (AUG Codon) anticodon (A base triplet pairs to a codon of mRNA) binds to the smaller ribosomal subunit and to the “start” codon of the mRNA.

2)      Elongation: tRNA molecules capture free amino acids and bring them to the appropriate codon on the mRNA.

3)      Termination: When a stop codon is reached the ribosomal subunits, and the newly formed protein detach from the mRNA.

17.3 Cell reproduction: One cell becomes two

2 Types of cell reproduction processes:

1)      Mitotic Cell Cycle: generates new diploid cells. Diploid cells contain chromosomes in pairs.

2)      Meiotic Cell Cycle: generates haploid gametes. Haploid cells contain chromosomes not in pairs.

17.3a Mitosis: Daughter cells are identical to the parent cell.

Mitotic Phase of the cell cycle

·         nucleus divides called mitosis

·         Cytoplasm divides called the cytokinesis

Complete cell cycle 18-24 hours. The cell spends most of its time in Interphase.

Mitosis and Cytokinesis takes less than one hour of the complete cell cycle.

Mitosis ensures that all cells of a complex organism have the same set of DNA.

Mitosis includes a sequence of phases:

1)      Prophase

2)      Metaphase

3)      Anaphase

4)      Telophase

Prophase (Oellers Online Presentation 2012) accessed March 10, 2012

      ·         Mitotic spindle attaches to chromosomes to move them

·         Centrioles migrate to cell poles. Centrioles are protein structures that dictate the place of division.

·         Chromatin condenses into visible chromosomes. Chromatins are threadlike form of DNA after duplicated.

·         Nuclear membrane dissolves.

·         Metabolic activity decreases and cell is not making proteins at this point.

Metaphase (Oellers Online Presentation 2012)

·         Duplicated chromosomes form single line at the equator between centriole poles.

Anaphase (Oellers Online Presentation 2012)


·         Duplicated DNA molecules separate and move toward opposite sides of the cell.

·         Cytokinesis (division of cytoplasm) begins at this time.

Telophase (Oellers Online Presentation 2012)


·         Reverse of prophase.

·         Mitotic spindle disintegrates.

·         Nuclear membrane reforms and chromosomes uncoil and revert to chromatin.

17.3b. Cytokinesis divides one cell into two identical cells

Cytokinesis is where the cell divides to produce two daughter cells.

Oellers 2012 states from her online presentation that a contractile ring of filaments form at the midsection of the cell, tightens, forming a cleavage furrow. This separates the cell and two daughter cells are formed.

The two daughter cells are identical. They are called diploid cells.

17.3c. Mitosis produces diploid cells, and meiosis produces haploid cells

Mitosis is used for growth and repairs in body cells and is identical to parent.

All cells in the human body divide by mitosis with the exception of the cells that form the sperm and eggs.

Johnson 2012 states in his book Human Biology, that all human cells have 46 chromosomes called diploid cells that reproduce by first replicating the 46 chromosomes and then undergoing mitosis. The result is two daughter cells that end up with 46 chromosomes that are identical to those of the parent cell.

In diploid cells one of each pair of chromosomes came from each parent, 22 pairs of autosomes (homologous chromosomes) and the sex chromosome X and Y. Autosomes look identical under the microscope and they have copies of the same genes in the same location.

Gametes (sperm and egg) are haploid cells they only have 23 chromosomes. Haploid cells are created by meiosis a special cell division and process that occurs in ovaries and testes.

17.3d. Meiosis: Preparing for sexual reproduction

Meiosis consists of two nuclear divisions, which results in chromosomes being reduced by ½ during the form of the gametes and this causes daughter cells to become haploid cells.

Meiotic Cell Division consists of 2 Phases:

1)      Meiosis I

2)      Meiosis II

Meiosis I:

Prophase I: The duplicated homologus chromosomes pair up and swap segments in synapses (crossing over)

Metaphase I: Homologous pairs of chromosomes line up.

Double line of chromosomes pair.

Anaphase I

Pairs of chromosomes separate, but duplicated chromosomes stay intact.

Telophase I and cytokinesis

End of meiosis I: There are two haploid daughter cells, but chromosomes are still in duplicated state.

Meiosis II

Prophase II

Metaphase II

Anaphase II

            The duplicated chromatids separate

Telophase II and cytokinesis

            The nuclei have the haploid chromosome number (23 chromosomes)

Each of the two daughter cells from meiosis I go through meiosis II. Meiosis II is like mitosis I except that the chromosomes are not duplicated again and there are four haploid daughter cells. During meiosis II the 23 chromosomes line up and the sister, chromatids are separated from each other. Because of crossing over in Meiosis I, the four haploid daughter cells are all different from one another.

17.3e. Sex differences in meiosis: Four sperm versus one egg


·         Four sperm product from each cell enters meiosis, all sperm come out different from one another.

·         All viable functional


·         Unequal cytokinesis during meiosis I/II.

·         The egg has a lot of cytoplasm around it for a better survival rate.

One-egg three polar bodies produced from each cell entering meiosis. The polar body is produced during meiosis I and can or may not divide again during meiosis II.

Meiosis II is not complete until a sperm penetrates the egg.

17.4 How cell reproduction is regulated

Not all cells divide at the same rate, for example, liver cells do not divide in adult hood.

An internal cyclic control mechanism regulates the cell cycle.

The cycle can be stopped at certain checkpoints by internal surveillance systems and is influenced by conditions outside the cell.

17.5 Environmental factors influence cell differentiation

All cells have the exact same set of DNA. They become different because of differentiation.

Differentiation is a cell that becomes different from its parent or sister cell. They begin to express different genes due to environmental influences.

17.6 Cloning an organism requires an undifferentiated cell

Reproductive cloning is making copies of the entire organism.

Requires undifferentiated cells for the starting point

 There are 2 techniques

1)      Embryo Splitting

2)      Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

17.6a. Embryo Splitting: producing identical offspring

In embryo splitting, an egg is fertilized in vitro and allowed to divide to the eight-cell stage. At this stage, the cells are all still identical because they have not yet begun to differentiate.

The cells are then separated and each is implanted into a different surrogate mother.

Although the offspring produced by embryo splitting are clones of each other, they are not identical to either parent because they received some of their genes from each parent.

17.6b. Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer: Cloning an Adult

Somatic cell nuclear transfer can use any cell in the body except gametes.

This involves combining a somatic cell (any cell in the body except gametes) from an adult with an enucleated fertilized egg with its nucleus removed.

The nucleus is removed from an unfertilized egg

A body cell from the adult animal to be cloned is inserted into the egg

Electrical current is applied to fuse the cells

The nucleus of the animal to be cloned is now the nucleus of the egg

The egg is implanted into a surrogate mother

The surrogate mother gives birth to a clone.

Ex. Dolly the first cloned sheep.

17.7 Therapeutic cloning: Creating tissues and organs

Therapeutic cloning is the cloning of human cells for treating patients.

The process for therapeutic cloning takes the undifferentiated cells from human embryos and clones them for use in patients with specific diseases for example Parkinson’s disease.

 A new gene therapy method developed by University of Florida researchers has the potential to treat a common form of blindness that strikes both youngsters and adults. The technique works by replacing a malfunctioning gene in the eye with a normal working copy that supplies a protein necessary for light-sensitive cells in the eye to function.(Science News 2012).


            Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.

            Oellers, J. (n.d). Online Presentation: Ch. 17 Cell Reproduction and Differentiation. Retrieved March 10, 2012, from

                Science News (2012). Researchers Develop Gene Therapy That Could Correct a Common Form of Blindness. Retrieved March 10, 2012 from

Chapter 18

Cancer: Uncontrolled Cell Division and Differentiation

Table of Contents:

18.1 Tumors can be benign or cancerous

18.2 Cancerous cells lose control of their functions and structures

18.3 How cancer develops

            a. Mutant forms of proto-oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, and mutator genes contribute to cancer.

            b. A variety of factors can lead to cancer

            c. The immune system plays an important role in cancer prevention

18.4 Advances in diagnosis enable early detection

            a. Tumor imaging: X-rays, PET and MRI

            b. Genetic testing can identify mutated genes

            c. Enzyme tests may detect cancer markers

18.5 Cancer Treatments

            a. Conventional cancer treatments: Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy

            b. Magnetism and photodynamic therapy target malignant cells

            c. Immunotherapy promotes immune response

            d. “Starving” cancer by inhibiting angiogenesis

            e. Molecular treatments target defective genes

18.6 The 10 most common cancers

            a. Skin cancer: Look for changes in your skin

            b. Lung cancer: Smoking is leading risk factor

            c. Breast cancer: Early detection pays off

            d. Prostate cancer: Most common after age 50

            e. Cancers of colon and rectum: Tests can detect them early

            f. Lymphoma: Cancers of lymphoid tissues

            g. Urinary bladder cancer: Surgery is often successful if done early

            h. Kidney cancer: Detected during examination for a renal-related problem

            i. Cancer of the uterus: Unusual uterine bleeding is major symptom

            j. Leukemia: Chemotherapy is often effective

18.7 Most cancers can be prevented

18.1 Tumors can be benign or cancerous

Cancer- Johnson 2012 in “Human Biology” states that cancer is a disease of cell division and differentiation. As cancer, cells divide out of control and even invade other tissues, which may prevent the proper functioning of organs and organ systems.

2 Key Characteristics of normal cells

1)      Regulatory Mechanisms (control rate of cell division)

2)      Remain in one location.

Normal cells do increase their rate of cell division as part of their normal function.

Hyperplasia refers to a substantial increase in the rate of cell division.


·         Increase cell division (Hyperplasis)

·         Mass or tumor (discrete mass of cells)

·         Cancerous

·         Benign

Benign Tumors

·         Non cancerous

·         Remain in 1 location

·         Well-defined mass

Ex A mole is a form of benign tumor (Johnson 2012)

18.2 Cancerous cells lose control of their functions and structures

Picture on the left is a liver with cancerous cells. Picture on the right are healthy liver cells

Cancerous Cells

·         Cells dividing rapidly

·         Nucleus becomes larger

·         Less cytoplasm

·         Cells lose specialized functions and strucrtures (Dysplasia)

Dysplasia is an abnormal structural chance considered a precancerous state. (Johnson 2012)

Cancerous Tumors

·         Abnormal structure

·         Loss of regulation of cell growth

·         In situ cancer (tumor remains in one place)

Mestasis is the spread of cancer to another organ or region of the body. Occurs when cancer cells break away from the main tumor, travel via the blood or lymph and divide into new colonies of cancer cells at distant sites. (Johnson 2012)

Malignant Tumors is cancer that metastasizes and cancers that invade normal tissues until they compromise organ function.

18.3 How cancer develops

2 Things must happen simultaneously

1)      Cells must grow and divide rapidly

2)      Cells must undergo physical changes that allow it to break away from surrounding cells.

18.3a. Mutant forms of proto-oncogens, tumor suppressor genes, and mutator genes contribute to cancer

Several types of genes control the various activities of a cell.

Structural genes code proteins for:

·         cell growth

·          division

·         Differentiation

·         cell adhesion

Regulatory genes code proteins that:

·         activate or repress the expression of these structural genes

Growth Inhibitors

·         regulates cell division

Genes that contribute to cancer:

·         Proto-oncogenes are normal regulatory genes that promote cell growth, differentiation, division, or adhesion. (Johnson 2012)

·         Mutated proto-oncogenes are called oncogenes. Oncogenes contribute to cancer.

·         Tumor Suppressor genes are regulatory genes that under normal conditions regulate cell growth. When they become damaged, they as well contribute to cancer.

Mutated genes are involved in DNA repair during DNA replication. When these genes mutate, the cell becomes prone to errors in DNA replication.

18.3b. A variety of factors can lead to cancer

All of these factors change the cell’s DNA structure so that the genes responsible for cell’s growth, differentiation, does not work.

A carcinogen is any substance or physical factor that causes cancer. It is the process of transforming a normal cell into a cancerous one.(Oellers, Online Presentation 2012)

Viruses and bacteria

·         reproduce by inserting their DNA into the host’s DNA

·         impair functions of a normal gene

Ex. (HPV) Human Papillomovirus, Cervical Cancer, Hepatitis B and C, Liver Cancer, and HIV

Chemicals in the environment

·         Asbestos

·         Benzene

·         Some pesticides

·         Dyes


·         Most Lethal

·         Contributes to 30% of all cancer deaths

·         Lungs

·         Mouth

·         Pharynx

·         Pancreas

·         Bladder


·         Sun (Ultraviolent radiation)

·         Skin cancer

·         Released by rocks, soil and groundwater

·         Cell phones, household appliances, power lines emit trace amounts of radiation.

·         High-frequency ultraviolet B rays cause over 80% of all skin cancers

Melanoma is a dangerous skin cancer of the melanin (pigment of the skin).


·         Raises risk of cancer

·         Red meat

·         Saturated animal fat

·         Colon

·         Rectum

·         Prostate gland

·         High alcohol consumption

·         Breast cancer

·         Liver cancer

Internal Factors

            Free Radicals

·         Unstable

·         Produced by body’s biochemical processes

·         Accumulate and cause damage to tother molecules

·         Steals electrons causes cells to fall apart

Antioxidants (Vitamins A, C and E) appear to neutralize free radicals.

Afflatoxin is present in foods, potent human carcinogen. Naturally occurring toxic metabolite produced by certain fungi and mold found on food products such as corn and peanuts. Potent liver carcinogen (oellers Online Presentation 2012).

18.3c. The immune system plays an important role in cancer prevention

Immune System

·         Protects us from cancer cells

·         Kills cancer cells

Immune system suppression caused by drugs, viruses such as HIV or even mental states of anxiety, stress, or depression allows cancers to develop more easily

18.4 Advances in diagnosis enable early detection

Early detection of cancer is an important key to success and that therapy can begin sooner, hopefully before the cancer mestasizes.

18.4a Tumor Imaging: X-rays, PET, and MRI


·         Mamograms

·         Exposes patient to radiation

PET (Positron-Emission Tomography)

PET scan of a brain

·         3-D image

·         Shows metabolic activity of body structures

·         Diagnoses cancer

·         Study blood flow

·         Heart function

·         Brain activity

·         Exposes patient to radiation


·         Short bursts

·         Magnetic field

·         Detects differences in water and chemical composition etween tissues

·         Detects tumors

·         Produces cross-sectional images of body structures

·         Does not expose the patient to radiation

18.4b. Genetic testing can identify mutated genes

·         Identify and detect mutated genes

·         Controversial

18.4c Enzyme tests may detect cancer markers

An enzyme called telomerase is rarely found in normal cells, but is present in nearly all cancer cells. (Johnson 2012).

18.5 Cancer Treatments

Cancer treatments cure approximately 50% of all cancer cases.

18.5a. Conventional cancer treatments: Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy

Better imaging techniques have benefited the surgical treatment of cancer, and techniques for focusing external sources of radiation directly onto the cancer have improved. (Johnson 2012).

Focused sources of radiation damage and kill cancer cells in a specific location.

Healthy cells recover from radiation more readily than cancer cells, but can injure or kill some normal tissue.

A drawback to both surgery and radiation is that they may miss small groups of metastasized cells, allowing the cancer to reappear later.

Chemotherapy is the administration of cytotoxic (cell damaging) chemicals to destroy cancer cells (Johnson 2012).


·         Damage to cells in digestive tract

·         Experience nausea

·         Side effects: hair loss, anemia, inability to fight infection

18.5b. Magnetism and Photodynamic therapy target malignant cells


·         Powerful magnet at the tumor site

·         Inject tiny metallic beads into patient’s blood stream

·         Magnet pulls beads (coated with Chemotherapy drug)

·         Kills cancer cells

Photodynamic Therapy

·         Targets cancer with light-sensitive drugs and lasers

18.5c. Immunotherapy promotes immune response


·         Boosts immune system

·         Antibodies that recognize cancer cells

·         Tagging antibodies with radioactive molecules of chemotherapeutic drugs

·         Development of vaccines against specific cancers

18.5d. “Starving” cancer by inhibiting angiogenesis

Angiogenesis is producing your own blood supply which cancer does.

Tumors grow and divide rapidly, requiring a lot of energy.

Tumors promote angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels) to serve their energy needs.

Without angiogenesis, the tumor would reach about the size of a pea and stop growing.

18.5e. Molecular treatments target defective genes

Molecular treatments focus on specific defective genes. A key target for gene therapy is p53, tumor suppressor gene that when defective, contributes too many cancers.

Target oncogenes and repairs them to perform their specific function.

18.6 The 10 most common cancers

In both men and women, the most frequent cancers are those of the skin, lung, and colon and rectum.

The most deadly cancers are lung, colon and rectum and breast cancer.

18.6a Skin cancer: Look for changes in your skin

Researchers say they may have discovered a new drug for the treatment of metastatic melanoma, one that uses the patient's own tumor cells to customize the therapy. (Science Daily 2012).

Skin cancer

·         Melanoma

·         Nonmelanoam (all other skin cancers)

Most common of the nonmelanomas is basal cell carcinoma (cancer).

Rarely metastasizes, but should be removed.

·         Squamous cell cancer arises from the epithelial cells produced by basal cells. May metastasize slowly.

·         Melanoma is the least common and deadliest because this type of skin cancer mestastasizes quickly. Melanoma is cancer of the melanocytes (cells that produce melanin that protects cells from the sun). (Oellers Online Presentation 2012).

Early signs of skin cancer (A,B,C,D,E’s Rule)

·         A= Asymmetry- the two halves of the spot do not match.

·         B=Border- Irregular shape.

·         C=Color- Varies or is black

·         D=Diameter-Greater than 6mm (Pea)

·         E=Evolving=Gets larger over time.

Basal and Squamous cell cancers have a 95% cure rate if removed promptly because they metastasize slowly if at all.

18.6b. Lung cancer: Smoking is leading risk factor

Symptoms of Lung cancer

·         Persistent cough

·         Recurrent pneumonia

·         Bronchitis

·         Voice change


·         Surgery often combined with radiation and chemotherapy

18.6c Breast cancer: Early detection pays off

First diagnosed by a mammogram (an X-ray of breast tissue)

Abnormal lump on breast

Research suggests that there are two inherited susceptibility genes for breast cancer.

1)      BRCA1

2)      BRCA2

Biggest risk is advancing in age.

18.6d. Prostate cancer: Most common after age 50


·         Difficulty urinating or inability

·         Blood in urine

·         Pain is pelvic area

Biggest risk is advancing in age.

Detected By

·         Digital rectal exam

·         (PSA) Prostate-Specific antigen test (Detects elevated blood levels of a protein produced by the prostate gland when prostate cancer is present).


·         Surgery

·         Radiation

·         Hormones

18.6e. Cancers of colon and rectum: Tests can detect them early


·         Blood in stool

·         Rectal bleeding


For a screening test, they use a colonoscopy.

Most colorectal tumors begin with polyps.

Polyps are small benign growths that develop from the colon lining.


·         Polyp Removal

·         Tumor Removal

18.6f. Lymphoma: Cancers of Lymphoid tissues


·         Enlarged lymph nodes

·         Intermittent fever

·         Itching

·         Weight loss

·         Night sweats

Risk factors are not entirely clear but seem to relate to altered immune function.

18.6g. Urinary bladder cancer: Surgery is often successful if done early

A sign is blood in the urine.

Treatment consists of surgery with chemotherapy.

18.6h.Kidney cancer: Detected during examination for a renal-related problem

Risk Factors

·         Heritable gene mutations

·         Smoking

·         Exposure to certain toxic agents (smokeing, asbestos and cadmium)


Cancer causing agents and toxic chemicals are more likely to affect the kidneys than many other organs, because as the kidneys concentrate the urine, they also concentrate the toxic agents in it. (Johnson 2012).

Can be tested by using a CT scan or ultrasound.

Treatment is removal of the infected kidney.

18.6i. Cancer of the uterus: Unusual uterine bleeding is major symptom.

Risk factor for endometrial cancer is a lifetime of high exposure to estrogen. Ex. Early menstrual cycle, late menopause, obesity, not having children and estrogen replacement therapy after menopause.

Treatments include surgery, radiation, hormones or chemotherapy.

18.6j. Leukemia: Chemotherapy is often effective

Leukemia is cancer of immature white blood cells in bone marrow.

A diagnosis could be made with a blood test or bone biopsy.

Treatment includes chemotherapy and maybe a bone marrow transplant to replace the normal blood-forming stem cells eliminated by chemotherapy.

18.7 Most cancers can be prevented.

At least 60% of all cancer cases other than nonmelanoma skin cancers are thought to be caused by just two factors:

1)      Smoking

2)      Poor Diet

Smoking is by far the leading risk factor for cancer.

Strategies to reduce your own risk of cancer

·         Know family history

·         Know your body

·         Get regular medical screenings

·         Avoid sunlight and sunlamps without the use of sunscreen

·         Watch diet and weight

·         Drink alcohol in moderation



            Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.

            Oellers, J. (n.d). Online Presentation: Ch1. Human Biology, Science, and Society. Retrieved February 2, 2012, from

            Science Daily (March 8, 2012). Promising New Drug Could Help Patients Battling Deadly and Difficult to Treat From of Melanoma. Retrieved March 10, 2012, from

Chapter 19

Genetics and Inheritance

Table of Contents

19.1 Your genotype is the genetic basis of your phenotype

19.2 Genetic Inheritance follows certain patters

            a. Punnett square analysis predicts patterns of inheritance

            b. Mendel established the basic principles of genetics

            c. Dominant alleles are expressed over recessive alleles

            d. Two-trait crosses Independent assortment of genes for different traits

19.3 Other dominance patterns

            a. Incomplete dominance: Heterozygote’s have an intermediate phenotype

            b. Codominance: Both gene products are equally expressed

19.4 Other factors influence inheritance patterns and phenotype

            a. Polygenic inheritance: Phenotype is influenced by many genes

            b. Both genotype and the environment affect phenotype

            c. Linked alleles may or may not be inherited together

19.5 Sex-linked inheritance: X and Y chromosomes carry different genes

            a. Sex-linked inheritance depends on genes located on sex chromosomes

            b. Sex-influenced traits are affected by actions of sex genes

19.6 Chromosomes may be altered in number or structure

            a. Down syndrome: Three copies of chromosome 21

            b. Alterations of the number of sex chromosomes

            c. Deletions and translocations alter chromosome structure

19.7 Many inherited genetic disorders involve recessive alleles

            a. Phenylketonuria is caused by a missing enzyme

            b. Tay-Sachs disease leads to brain dysfunction

            c. Huntington disease is caused by a dominant-lethal allele

19.8 Genes code for proteins, not for specific behaviors

19.1 Your genotype is the genetic basis of you phenotype

Genotype is a complete set of alleles. Genotype is the genetic basis of phenotype.

Phenotype is the physical and functional traits that characterize you.

Ex. Hair, eyes, skin color, height, body shape, etc.

Picture of autosomes from a female

We have 22 autosomes, which may look alike, but may not be identical.

 Small differences in DNA sequence may exist between any pair of autosomes.

These sequence differences may occur within genes, and when they do, they produce alternative versions of genes called alleles. Because they are different, alleles may code for different proteins with slightly different structures. Alterations in protein structure can affect how the protein functions. Ex, The ability to roll your tongue is influenced by a single gene.

We inherit two alleles of every gene found on autosomes; these alleles may be identical or slightly different. The sum of our alleles is our genotype and the physical and functional expression of those alleles is our phenotype.

A homologous allele

If an individual possesses two identical alleles of a particular gene, the person is homozygous.

A person who has two different alleles of a gene is heterozygous.

Different alleles resulted from mutations or random changes to the DNA sequence, of cells destined to become sperm or eggs.

All the various genes and their alleles in the human population are known as the human gene pool (Johnson 2012).

19.2  Genetic inheritance follows certain patterns

19.2a Punnett square analysis predicts patterns of inheritance

A punnett square provides a way to represent patterns of inheritance of alleles and to predict the probability of alleles that a particular genotype will be inheriting (Johnson 2012).

19.2b. Mendel established the basic principles of genetics

In 1850, Gregor Mendor and Austrian monk came up with the Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment.

Law of segregation says that when gametes form in the parents, the alleles separate from each other so that each gamete gets only one allele of each gene.

Law of Independent Assortment is genes for different traits that are separated from each other independently during meiosis. This also applies for genes on different chromosomes. (Oellers Online Presentation 2012).

19.2c Dominant alleles are expressed over recessive alleles

Dominant allele makes or suppresses the expression of its complementary allele.

Always expressed heterozygous.

Recessive allele will not be expressed if paired with a dominant allele (heterozygous).

Will only be expressed if individual is homozygous for the recessive allele.

Dominant alleles are not always more common than recessive, sometimes they may be rare in a population (Oellers Online Presentation 2012).

19.2d. Two-trait crosses: Independent assortment of genes for different traits

 Two-trait cross- each parent donates only one allele of each gene, the genes for different traits assort independently of each other during the formation of the gametes.

When two alleles of each gene exist in the human gene pool, one is often dominant over the other and controls the phenotype of a heterozygote.

19.3 Other dominance patterns

19.3a. Incomplete dominance: Heterozygote’s have an intermediate phenotype

Incomplete dominance

·         Do not follow dominant/recessive pattern. Neither gene is dominant

·         Heterozygous genotype in a phenotype is intermediate between the two homozygous phenotypes.

Ex. Father has straight hair, mother has wavy hair and their offspring will have curly hair.

19.3b. Codominance: Both gene products are equally expressed

Codominance is the product of both alleles that are expressed equally (Johnson 2012).

Ex. Blood Type

Type A can have AA or AO

Type B can have BB or BO

Type AB is AB only

In addition, Type O can have OO. People with this blood type are universal donors.

There are three alleles for this gene: A, B and O

A gene and B gene are codominant

Ex Sickle cell anemia (Hbs Hbs) (Homozygous)

19.4 Other Factors influence inheritance patterns and phenotype.

19.4a. Polygenic inheritance: Phenotype is influenced by many genes

Polygenic inheritance of phenotypic traits depends on many genes.

At least three genes control eye color.

19.4b. Both genotype and the environment affect phenotype

Ex. Environmental influence is the effect of diet, height and weight and body size.

Usually we inherit a slight increase risk of developing a disease, with those risks modifiable by the environmental factors and our own actions.

Your genes carry the instructions for all your proteins, but the environment can influence how genes are expressed and how they contribute to your phenotype.

19.4c. Linked alleles may or may not be inherited together

Linked alleles are alleles for different traits inherited and that travel together because they are physically joined on the same chromosome.

They are not always inherited together because of crossing-over, which partially reshuffles alleles across each pair of autosomes during meiosis.

Alleles located close to each other have a good chance of being inherited together.

19.5 Sex-linked inheritance: X and Y-chromosomes carry different genes.

Kayotype is a composite display of all the chromosomes of an organism.

Chromosomes are identifiable in cells only just before cell division.

Chromosomes are identified and paired according to their size, centromere location and characteristic bonding patterns.

A number arrangement of all 23 pairs of chromosomes is called the human karyotype (Johnsons 2012).

19.5a. Sex-linked inheritance depends on genes located on sex chromosomes

The advantage of having pairs of autosomes is that you have two copies of each gene. If something goes wrong with one copy, the other one can still carry out its function.

Sex-linked inheritance is inheritance patterns that depend on genes located on the sex chromosomes.

Sex linked inheritance is x-linked if the gene is located only on the X chromosome and Y-linked if the gene is located only on the Y chromosome (Oellers Online Presentation 2012).

Genes occur in pairs.

X chromosomes are big and Y-chromosomes are small.

19.5b. Sex-influenced traits are affected by actions of sex genes

Genes encoding these traits are located on autosomes not sex chromosomes.

Ex. Baldness

Testosterone stimulates the expression of male baldness allele, converting it from recessive to a dominant allele in males. This is an example of a sex-influenced phenotype, one not inherited with the sex chromosomes per se, but influenced by the actions of the genes on the sex chromosomes. (Johnson 2012).

19.6 Chromosomes may be altered in number or structure

This is a picture of Nondisjunction. Normal meiosis (A) is contrasted with failure of homologous chromosomes to separate in meiosis I (B) or of sister chromatids to separate in meiosis II (C).

Nondisjunction happens during meiosis. It is the failure of the homologous chromosome or sister chromatids to separate properly. Resulting in an alteration in the chromosome number or gametes.

Ex. Down Syndrome and other syndromes

19.6a. Down Syndrome: Three copies of chromosome 21

A few alterations of autosomal chromosome number do result in live births.

The most common is Down Syndrome cause by inheriting an extra copy of chromosome 21.

19.6b. Alterations of the number of sex chromosomes

Nondisjuction of the sex chromosomes can produce a variety of combinations of sex chromosome number, several of which are common in the human population.

The four most common alterations of sex chromosome number are:

·         XYY-Jacob syndrome

·         XXY Klinefelter syndrome

·         XXX Trisomy-X syndrome

·         XO Turner Syndrome

XYY Jacob syndrome

·         Tall males

·         Fairly normal

·         Impaired mental functions

XXY Klinefelter syndrome

·         Tall male

·         Sterile

·         Mild mental impairment

·         May develop large breasts

XXX Trisomy-X Syndrome

·         Female

·         Mild mental retardation

XO Turner Syndrome

·         female

·         short

·         slightly altered body form

·         small breasts

·         not mentally retarded

·         sterile

·         Possess only one X chromosome.

19.6c. Deletions and translocations alter chromosome structure

Deletion occurs when apiece of chromosome breaks off and is lost resulting in few live births.

Translocation occurs when a piece of a chromosome breaks off, but reattaches at another site, on the same chromosome or another.

19.7 Many inherited genetic disorders involve recessive alleles

People express inherited genetic disorders caused by recessive alleles only if they inherit two of the defective alleles.

Ex. of a Recessive genetic disorder is Cystic Fibrosis

19.7a Phenylketonuria is caused by a missing enzyme

A human inherited disease in which homozygous recessive individuals are unable to make an enzyme that is needed for normal metabolism of phenylalanine and amino acid.

High concentrations of phenylpyruvic acid can lead to mental retardation, slow growth rate and early death.

19.7b. Tay-Sachs disease leads to brain dysfunction

Enzyme deficiency disease caused by a recessive gene located on Chromosome 15.

19.7c. Huntington disease is caused by a dominant-lethal allele

This disease is always lethal and is marked by a progressive nerve degeneration leading to physical and mental disabilities.

Genetic testing is one of the benefits of the human Genome Project.

19.8 Genes code for proteins, not for specific location

Genes do not cause specific behaviors.

Proteins may act as hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes or intracellular messengers.

Together groups of genes and their protein product do influence broad patterns of behavior.

Ex. Feeding, mating or learning

Scientists have discovered that men respond more aggressively than women to stress because of a single gene. Science Daily (Mar. 8, 2012) state in their article say Australian scientists, believe the SRY gene, which directs male development, may promote aggression and other traditionally male behavioral traits resulting in the fight-or-flight reaction to stress. Scientists have also found the SRY protein in vital organs in the male body, including the heart, lungs and brain, suggesting SRY exerts male-specific effects that play a vital role in direct response to stree.


            Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.

            Oellers, J. (n.d). Online Presentation: Ch1. Human Biology, Science, and Society. Retrieved February 2, 2012, from

            Science Daily (March 8, 2012). Men Respond More Aggressively Than Women to Stress and It’s All Down to a Single Gene. Retrieved March 10, 2012, from

Chapter 20

DNA Technology and Genetic Engineering

Table of Contents

20.1 DNA sequencing reveals structure of DNA

20.2 DNA can be cloned in the laboratory

            a. Recombinant DNA technology: Isolating and cloning genes

            b. Cloning DNA fragments: The polymerase chain reaction

            c. Identifying the source of DNA: DNA fingerprinting

20.3 Genetic Engineering creates transgenic organisms

            a. Transgenic bacteria have many uses

            b.Transgenic Plants: More vitamins and better pest resistance

            c. Transgenic animals: A bigger challenge

20.4 Gene therapy: The hope of the future

            a. Gene therapy must overcome many obstacles

            b.Vectors transfer genes into human cells

            c. Success with SCID gives hope

            d.Research targets cystic fibrosis and cancer

20.1 DNA sequencing reveals structure of DNA

DNA sequencing can determine the nucleotide sequence of short pieces of DNA.


·         Millions of copies of identical copies of a piece of DNA strand is put in a test tube

·         Primers (short strands of DNA that bind to one end of DNA to be sequenced) are added

·         Primer is the beginning point for synthesis of new strand

·         Four nucleotides plus four nucleotides that have been modified are added

·         Added is an enzyme called DNA polymerase (enzymes that will allow the replication of DNA molecule by separating strands (Oellers, Online presentation 2012))

·         Synthesis begins

During synthesis, the result of the mixture is of pieces of DNA varying in length.

The pieces are placed on a column of gel and subjected to a process called gel electrophoresis (Johnson 2012).

The DNA pieces move through the gel and are arranged in order by the size of the pieces as the DNA pieces exit the gel. This represents the sequence of a single strand of DNA.

20.2 DNA can be cloned in the laboratory

In the last few decades, scientists have learned how to recombine DNA and develop organisms never before created in nature and maybe even the ability to modify or fix defective human genes.

20.2a. Recombinant DNA technology: Isolating and cloning genes

Cutting, splicing and copying (cloning) DNA and the genes it contains is called recombinant DNA technology (Johnson 2012).

The goal is to transfer pieces of DNA from one organism into another.

Used to insert specific genes into bacteria so that the bacteria can be induced to produce useful protein products.

Requires specialized tools:

·         Restriction Enzymes

·         DNA ligases

·         Plasmids from bacteria

Restriction Enzymes are naturally occurring enzymes in some bacteria that breaks the bonds between specific neighboring base pairs in a DNA strand.

Most effective is bacteria that will cut the double stranded DNA in the palindrome area.

Palindrome is a sequence of letters that reads the same backward as forward, for example, racecar (Johnson 2012).

DNA ligases are enzymes that bind fragments of DNA back together after the restriction enzymes have cut them.

Plasmids are small, circular, self-replicating DNA molecules found in bacteria.

Plasmids are useful because they can be made to incorporate a foreign piece of DNA. Once the plasmid is reinserted into the bacterium, it is copied every time the bacterium reproduces.

20.2b. Cloning DNA fragments: The polymerase chain reaction

The polymerase chain reaction is used to make millions of copies of a small fragment of DNA very quickly (Johnson 2012).

Polymerase is not useful for cloning whole genes, because it lacks the regulatory genes and proteins required to activate genes.

20.2c. Identifying the source of DNA: DNA fingerprinting

DNA fingerprinting is the technique for identifying the source of a fragment of DNA after it has been sufficiently copied by PCR (Polymerase chain reaction).


·         DNA sample amplified by PCR

·         Restriction enzymes cut the DNA

·         DNA separated by gel electrophoresis

·         Fragment pattern is compared to original DNA sample

20.3 Genetic Engineering creates transgenic organisms

Transgenic organisms are genetically engineered so that they carry one or more foreign genes.

20.3a. Transgenic bacteria have many uses

Can Produce

·         Human proteins

·         Human Hormones

·         Vaccines

·         Insulin

20.3b. Transgenic plants: More vitamins and better pest resistance

Transgenic plants and animals can provide new agricultural crops and useful human proteins.

Transgenic plants may: (Oellers Online Presentation 2012)

·         Improve nutrition (Controversial)

·         Produce Vaccines

·         Synthesize Hormones

·         Resist Freezing


·         Gm crops hybridizing with natural crops, devaluing them (Oellers Online Presentation 2012)

·         Crop Failure

20.3c. Transgenic animals: A bigger challenge accessed March 10, 2012

The GloFish was the first genetically modified animal to become available as a pet.

Gene Parming is a process of producing proteins in farm animals for medical uses.

Developed to:

·         Participate in medical research

·         Gene “pharm” drugs from milk


·         More difficult to introduce foreign DNA to animal cells

·         Cloning more difficult

·         Too close to human cloning?

·         Endangered species and extinct species cloning could be beneficial

20.4 Gene therapy: The hope of the future?

Gene therapy is the insertion of human genes into human cells to treat or correct disease.

ScienceDaily (Mar. 8, 2012) states in their article that the UT Southwestern Medical Center investigators have identified a genetic manipulation that increases the development of neurons in the brain during aging and enhances the effect of antidepressant drugs. This work suggests that activating neural precursor cells could directly improve depression- and anxiety-like behaviors, and it provides a proof-of-principle regarding the feasibility of regulating behavior via direct manipulation of adult neurogenesis. Studies that link the Nf1 gene are best known for mutations that cause tumors to grow around nerves and effects several major tissues. For instance, in one study researchers identified ways that the body's immune system promotes the growth of tumors, and in another study, they described how loss of the Nf1 protein in the circulatory system leads to hypertension and congenital heart disease. (ScienceDaily 2012)

20.4a. Gene therapy must overcome many obstacles

Transgenic animals are created by inserting a gene into a single cell (fertilized egg) that has been isolated for microinjection.

An individual has trillions of differentiated and matured cells this makes the use of gene therapy very difficult.

20.4b. Vectors transfer genes into human cells

A class of viruses called retroviruses; they splice their own RNA based genetic code permanently into the DNA of the cells they infect. 

Human genes can be packaged in retroviruses, which can introduce genes to human cells.

2 strategies for gene transfer is getting the gene into enough living cells to produce enough of the missing protein to prevent the disease.

1)       Human cells of a target tissue is removed and exposed to the retrovirus containing the human gene of interest. The hope is that the virus-infected cells will incorporate themselves back into the tissue and express the missing protein.

2)      Inject the retrovirus with their human gene payload directly into the patient.

Downside to retrovirus

·         Insert foreign DNA into a cell’s DNA only when the cell is dividing

·         Insert their genetic material randomly in the genome

·         Can disrupt the function of other human genes

20.4c. Gene Therapy Successes

·         Sever combine immunodeficiency (SCID)

Have had some success with gene therapy.

SCID is a genetic disorder of the immune system that occurs when the T-lymphocyte system does not function properly.

·         Cystic fibrosis

Minor success

·         Cancer Research

·         Blindness

Gene therapy is still more of a hope than a reality. Even if scientists are able to correct genetic disease in an individual that person’s child could still inherit the disorder.


            Johnson, M. D. (2012, 2010, 2008). Human Biology: concepts and current issues, sixth edition. Pearson Education, inc.; Benjamin Cummings.

            Oellers, J. (n.d). Online Presentation: Ch1. Human Biology, Science, and Society. Retrieved February 2, 2012, from


            ScienceDaily (Mar. 8, 2012). Genetic Manipulation Boosts Growth of Brain Cells Linked to Learning, Enhances Effects of Antidepressants. Retrieved March 10, 2012, from